Samba Choreography

See Also: Samba Syllabus Routine Builder

Samba Practice (Long wall)

    1. Stationary Samba Walk (7a8)

    2. Open Rocks (12& 34& 56&)

    3. Reverse Turn (7a8 1a2 3a4 5a6)

    4. Whisk to Left (7a8)

    5. Solo Spot Volta to Right (1a2)

    6. Samba Walks in Promenade Position (3a4 5a6)

    7. Foot Change (7a8)

    8. Stationary Samba Walk (1a2)

    9. Volta (3a4a5a6)

    10. Bota Fogo (7a8 1a2 3a4)

    11. Shadow Circular Volta (5a6a7a8)

Samba Practice (short wall)

    1. Rhythm Bounce (12)

    2. LF Samba Walk (3a4)

    3. Foot Change (5a6)

    4. Stationary Samba Walk (7a8)

    5. Reverse Turn (1a2 3a4)

    6. Underarm Turn (5a6)

Samba Practice (long wall)

    1. Open Rocks

    2. Back Rocks (78& 12& 34&)

    3. Plait (5&6 7&8 12 3&4)

    4. 4-6 Reverse Turn (5a6)

    5. Solo Spot Volta (Hamburger) (a7a8a1a2)

    6. Solo Spot Volta to R (a3a4)

    7. Argentine Crosses (5a6 7a8 1a2 3a4)

    8. Whisk (5a6)

    9. Stationary Samba Walk (7a8)

    10. Criss Cross Volta (1a2a3a4 5a6a7a8)

    11. Maypole (1a2a3a4a5a6)

Samba Practice (short wall)

    1. Back Rocks (78& 12&)

    2. Reverse Turn (3a4 5a6 7a8 1a2)

    3. Stationary Samba Walk (3a4)

    4. Rhythm Bounce (56)

Samba Bronze Practice Routine #1

    1. Rhythm Bounce (a5a6) LF forward, RF back, face to face in two hand hold

    2. Samba Walk: Stationary (7a8) end man's RF forward

    3. Reverse Turn (1a2) 1st half

    4. Traveling Bota Fogos Back (3a4 5a6 7a8 1a2) Last one, man doesn't turn, we go into PP

    5. Bota Fogos To Promenade and Counter Promenade (3a4 5a6) to CPP to and PP

    6. Samba Walk: Side (7a8)

    7. Criss Cross Bota Fogos (Shadow Bota Fogos) (1a2 3a4)

    8. Criss Cross Voltas (1a2a1a2 1a2a1a2)

    9. Solo Spot Volta to Left (Lady to Right) (1a2)

    10. Whisk To Right (3a4) with lady's UAT to left, man's RH holding lady's LH

    11. Samba Walk in PP: LF (1a2)

    12. Foot Change 3: Promenade or Open Promenade to Right Shadow Position (34) for man, (3a4) for lady

    13. Shadow Traveling Volta commenced with LF (5a6a7a8)

    14. Traveling Bota Fogos Forward (1a2 3a4) in shadow position

    15. Shadow Traveling Volta commenced with RF (5a6a7a8)

    16. Foot Change 2: Right Shadow Position To Closed Position (12) for man, (1a2) for lady, end in two hand hold

Samba Bronze Practice Routine #2

    1. Rhythm Bounce (5678) Shadow position

    2. Traveling Volta to Left (1a2a3a4)

    3. LF Dropped Volta a5(6) Lady bounce

    4. Traveling Volta to Right (7a8) Lady turns to L on 7

    5. Traveling Bota Fogos Forward (1a2 3a4 5a6)

    6. Traveling Volta to Right (7a8)

    7. Foot Change 2: Right Shadow Position To Closed Position (1a2) Underarm turn to face partner

    8. Samba Walk: Stationary (3a4) double hand hold

    9. Whisk To Left (5a6) Lady underarm turn to R. L to R hand hold

    10. Solo Spot Volta to Right (Lady to Left) (7a8) no hold

    11. Samba Walk: Stationary (1a2) double hand hold

    12. Corta Jaca (3 4&5&6&) closed hold

    13. Natural Basic Movement (7a8)

    14. Closed Rocks (12& 34& 56&)

    15. Reverse Turn (7a8 1a2)

    16. Whisk To Left (3a4) L to R hand hold

    17. Whisk To Right (5a6) end in PP, closed hold

    18. Samba Walk in PP: LF (7a8)

    19. Samba Walk: Side (1a2) Open to L to R hand hold

    20. Criss Cross Bota Fogos (3a4 5a6 7a8) L to R hand hold

    21. Criss Cross Voltas (1a2a3a4 5a6a7a8)

    22. Solo Spot Volta to Right (Lady to Left) (1a2a3a4) no hold

    23. Whisk To Left (5a6) L to R hand hold

    24. Natural Basic Movement (7a8) move to closed hold

    25. Reverse Turn (1a2 3a4)

    26. Reverse Basic Movement (5a6)

    27. Whisk To Right (7a8)

    28. Samba Walk in PP: LF (1a2)

    29. Samba Walk in PP: RF (3a4)

    30. Foot Change 3: Promenade or Open Promenade to Right Shadow Position (5a6) end in shadow position

    31. Rhythm Bounce (78)

Repeat from #2

Samba Bronze Practice Routine #3

    1. Man facing wall, new LOD, long wall, man's right leg back, lady's left leg back

    2. Rhythm Bounce (56)

    3. Samba Walk: Stationary (7a8)

    4. Criss Cross Bota Fogos (1a2 3a4 5a6 7a8)

    5. Samba Walk: Stationary (1a2) with Lady's UAT

    6. Samba Walk in PP: RF (3a4)

    7. Samba Walk in PP: LF (5a6)

    8. Samba Walk: Side (7a8)

    9. Foot Change 3: Promenade or Open Promenade to Right Shadow Position (1a2)

    10. Shadow Traveling Volta commenced with RF (a3a4)

    11. Traveling Bota Fogos Forward (5a6 7a8)

    12. Shadow Traveling Volta commenced with LF (a1a2a3a4)

    13. Foot Change 2: Right Shadow Position To Closed Position (5a6) Facing DW new LOD

    14. Samba Walk: Stationary (7a8) RF

    15. Reverse Turn (1a2) Open Hold, shaping left

    16. Reverse Turn (3a4) Close Hold, no shaping

    17. Reverse Turn (5a6) man turns left hand out for shaping, facing center

    18. Whisk To Right (7a8)

    19. Whisk To Left (1a2) with Lady's UAT end facing new LOD

    20. Closed Rocks (34& 56& 78&)

    21. Reverse Turn (1a2 3a4)

    22. Closed Rocks (56& 78& 12&)

    23. Corta Jaca (34&5&6&)

    24. Solo Spot Volta to Left (Lady to Right) (7a8) don't come all the way back to hold

    25. Traveling Volta to Right (a1a2) Lady travels to left, meet at end, man's RH to lady's LH

    26. Solo Spot Volta to Right (Lady to Left) (3a4)

    27. Bota Fogos To Promenade and Counter Promenade (5a6 7a8 1a2)

    28. Samba Walk in PP: RF (3a4)

    29. Criss Cross Voltas (5a6a7a8 1a2a3a4)

    30. Reverse Basic Movement (5a6 7a8)

    31. Whisk To Left (1a2)

    32. Whisk To Right (3a4) with Lady's UAT, turn it to face wall

    33. Samba Walk: Stationary (5a6 7a8)

    34. Start again from Step 4

Samba Bronze Choreography #4

    1. Rhythm Bounce (56)

    2. Samba Walk: Stationary (7a8)

    3. Criss Cross Bota Fogos (1a2 3a4 5a6 7a8)

    4. Man: Man: Samba Walk: Stationary Lady: Underarm Turn to Right (1a2).

    5. Samba Walk in PP: RF, LF (3a4 5a6)

    6. Samba Walk: Side (7a8)

    7. Foot Change 3: Promenade or Open Promenade to Right Shadow Position (1a2)

    8. Shadow Traveling Volta commenced with RF (a3a4)

    9. Traveling Bota Fogos Forward (5a6 7a8) turning L to travel down LOD.

    10. Shadow Traveling Volta commenced with LF (a1a2a3a4) curving turning corner, ending facing center on new LOD.

    11. Foot Change 2: Right Shadow Position To Closed Position (5a6)

    12. Samba Walk: Stationary (7a8) (together step first).

    13. Reverse Turn (1a2) Open Hold, shaping left; lady's head turn to R.

    14. Reverse Turn (3a4) Close Hold, no shaping, Lady's head L.

    15. Reverse Turn (5a6) man turns left hand out for shaping, facing center

    16. Whisk To Right (7a8)

    17. Whisk To Left (1a2) with Lady's UAT end facing new LOD

    18. Closed Rocks (34& 56& 78&)

    19. Reverse Turn (1a2 3a4)

    20. Closed Rocks (56& 78& 12&)

    21. Corta Jaca (34&5&6&)

    22. Solo Spot Volta to Left (Lady to Right) (7a8) Hamburger volta

    23. Traveling Volta to Right (a1a2) Lady travels to left, meet at end, man's RH to lady's LH

    24. Solo Spot Volta to Right (Lady to Left) (3a4)

    25. Samba Walk: Stationary (5a6)

    26. Foot together, stationary samba walk.

    27. Bota Fogos To Promenade and Counter Promenade (7a8 1a2)

    28. Samba Walk: Stationary (3a4)

    29. Criss Cross Voltas (5a6a7a8 1a2a3a4)

    30. Samba Walk: Stationary (5a6 7a8)

repeat from step 3.

Samba Silver Choreography

Start: Side by side position, Man's right hand hold Lady's left hand.

    1. Rhythm Bounce (a1a2a3a4): side bounce

    2. Rhythm Bounce (a5) switch weight, patty cake hand, keep the other leg straight

    3. Rhythm Bounce (a6) switch weight, draw the other leg next to standing leg, free arm up.

    4. Rolling Off The Arm (7a8) Lady roll in face Man (over turn)

    5. Whisk To Left (1a2)

    6. Open Rocks (34& 56& 78&) Lady may turn more and to step back. 3 sets

    7. Reverse Turn (1a2 3a4 5a6 7a8)

    8. Whisk To Left (1a2)

    9. Solo Spot Volta to Right (Lady to Left) (3a4)

    10. Samba Walk in PP: LF (5a6)

    11. Samba Walk: Side (7a8)

    12. Foot Change 3: Promenade or Open Promenade to Right Shadow Position (1a2 a3 hold 4) Lady turns on 1a2, then Drop Volta a3 hold 4

    13. Shadow Traveling Volta commenced with RF (a5a6a7a8)

    14. Traveling Bota Fogos Forward (1a2 3a4 5a6)

    15. Rhythm Bounce (a7a8)

    16. Shadow Circular Volta with RF (1a2a3a4)

    17. Traveling Bota Fogos Forward (5a6)

    18. Foot Change 2: Right Shadow Position To Closed Position (7a8) Lady: underarm turn to end facing Man.

    19. Samba Walk: Stationary (1a2)

    20. Reverse Turn (3a4)

    21. Back Rocks (56& 78& 12&) 3 sets

    22. Plait (3 4 5&6 7 8 1& 2)

    23. Back Rocks (3 4&)

    24. Reverse Turn (5a6)

    25. Traveling Volta (7a8a1a2) Hamburger volta

    26. Solo Spot Volta to Right (Lady to Left) (3a4)

    27. Argentine Crosses (5a6 7a8 1a2 3a4) (not dancing SQQ timing) Ronde and then cross back.

    28. Whisk To Left (5a6)

    29. Samba Walk: Stationary (7a8)

    30. Criss Cross Bota Fogos (1a2 3a4 5a6 7a8)

    31. Maypole (1a2a3a4 5a6a7a8) finish in cuddle position

    32. Samba Walk in PP: RF (1a2 3a4) normal walk, not to side.

    33. Rolling Off The Arm (5a6 7a8)

    34. Samba Walk in PP: LF (1a2 3a4)

    35. Rolling Off The Arm (5a6 7a8) finish facing partner, repeat from Whisk To Left

Samba Gold Choreography

Prep: Man DW, on LF, Lady on RF, LF fwd, open facing position

    1. 12 3 4 Bounce

      • Either facing position; or side-by-side facing opposite position, in which case, use next 5 6 to turn to facing position.

    2. 5: Lady L leg back, L shoulder fwd, a: feet together, 6: LF fwd

      • If starting from side-by-side position, Lady turns 90 to L, swing/ronde L leg. end facing Man.

    3. Solo Spot Volta Lady to Right (7a8) Lady ending BDW

    4. Promenade And Counter Promenade Runs (123 123 123)

    5. Traveling Volta to Man's Left (a78 a1a2) 1 dropped Volta first

    6. Solo Spot Volta to Man's Left (Lady to Right) (3a4) Lady ending BDW

    7. Promenade And Counter Promenade Runs (123 123 123)

    8. Three Step Turn (123)

    9. Samba Locks (QQS QQS QQS QQS)

    10. Whisk Man To Right, Lady Underarm Turn to Left (5a6) Lady LF side R hip high, whisk turn to L

    11. Traveling Volta (a7a8)

    12. Argentine Crosses (QQS QQS - Lady's LT)

    13. Whisk (Lady To Right) (5a6)

    14. Open Rocks (SQQ)

    15. Reverse Roll (SQQ SQQ SQQ SQQ)

    16. Whisk (Lady To Right) (1a2)

    17. Solo Spot Volta (3a4) finish arm out.

    18. Maypole (5a6a7a8) lady keeps L arm in.

    19. Natural Roll (SQQ SQQ SQQ SQQ)

    20. Corta Jaca (1 2&3&4&)

    21. Solo Spot Volta (5a6a7a8) "hamburger"

    22. Samba Walk: Stationary (1a2)

    23. Criss Cross Bota Fogos (3a4 5a6)

    24. Rhythm Bounce (78)

    25. Criss Cross Voltas (1a2a3a4 5a6a7a8 )

    26. Maypole (1a2a3a4)

    27. Foot Change to Right Shadow Position (5a6)

      • 5a6: simple version: Lady does a boto-fogo like action.

      • Another alternative:

        • 5a6: Lady Solo Spot Volta to Left (feet in place, turn half, then step foot fwd, half turn, total, normal full turn)

        • 7a8: Lady Solo Spot Volta to Right with extra half turn, so Man and Lady facing same direction, R shadow position.

    28. Cruzados Walks and Locks (aSaS QQS aSaS QQS)

    29. Shadow Circular Volta with RF (a1a2a3a4)

    30. Traveling Volta (both Man and Lady to L) (a56 a7a8) drop Voltas first

    31. Bota Fogos Forward (1a2)

    32. Contra Bota Fogos (3a4)

    33. Round About (5a6a7a8)

    34. Foot Change to Closed Position (1a2) Lady: Samba Walk: Stationary

Repeat from Step #3 Promenade Runs

Samba showcase choreography