
Rumba Cucarachas

This is a Newcomer Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of dance steps, including timing, and movement; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.

Cucaracha is 3 steps ended with feet together.

Start in Closed Position. See Rumba Technique for details on hip motion in Cucarachas.


  • 2: LF to side with part weight.

    • This is LF Cucaracha.

  • 3: Transfer weight to RF | Flat Foot.

  • 4 1: Close LF to RF

  • 2: RF to side with part weight

    • This is RF Cucaracha

  • 3: Transfer weight to LF | Flat Foot.

  • 4 1: Close RF to LF


  • 2: RF to side with part weight. Flat foot.

    • This is LF Cucaracha (from Man's perspective).

    • Place foot faster, arms should be soft. Keep L heel down on the floor. 2 heels down.

  • 3: Transfer weight to LF | Flat Foot.

    • R heel up, pushing and extend RF. RF turned out a bit more. At t his point, L hip is quite forward, R hip rotated back, RF turned out. 2 straight legs.

  • 4 1: Close RF to LF

    • Switch hip fast, draws RF in.

  • 2: LF to side with part weight

    • This is RF Cucaracha.

  • 3: Transfer weight to RF | Flat Foot.

  • 4 1: Close LF to RF.


  • Feet relative direction to each other: side, side and slightly fwd or back, fwd or diagonally fwd, back or diagonally back.

  • Gold level: A Press Line may be used by Man when dancing a fwd Cucaracha by allowing RF to swivel slightly to R as he steps a fwd LF in line with RF, on ball of foot with heel raised.

    • L knee is flexed, R leg straight and RF flat.

    • There is no hip movement.

    • The Press Line may be used on 1 of Advanced, Continuous and Circular Hip Twists.

Preceding Figures for Cucarachas RF

  1. Cucarachas: LF

  2. Side Step To Right commenced with LF

Following Figures for Cucarachas RF

  1. Spot or Switch Turn To R (Lady to L)

  2. Basic Movements: Open

  3. Basic Movements: Closed

  4. Cucarachas: LF

  5. Side Step To Left commenced with LF

  6. Fan

Preceding Figures for Cucarachas LF

  1. Aida

  2. Cucarachas: RF

  3. Fencing

  4. Side Step To Left commenced with RF

Following Figures for Cucarachas LF

  1. Spot or Switch Turn to L (Lady to R)

  2. Basic Movements: Open (4-6)

  3. Basic Movements: Closed (4-6)

  4. Cucarachas: RF

  5. Underarm Turn To R

  6. Side Step To Right commenced with RF

  7. Fan (4-6, lady in line on 4)

  8. Aida