Natural Top

Rumba Natural Top

This is a Bronze Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the different variation of the dance steps, including timing, and movement; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.


  • 2: RF behind LF (Cuban Cross) | up to 2 complete turns over 1 - 8

  • 3: LF to side

  • 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3: Repeat 1 & 2 three times

  • 4 1: Close RF to LF | No turn


  • 2: LF to side | up to 2 complete turns over 1 - 8

    • Be careful not to collapse the frame. Keep distance from Man, lifted, with energy.

    • Keep upper body light, lower feet sticky.

  • 3: RF in front of LF, toe turned out

  • 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3: Repeat steps 1 & 2 three times

  • 2: LF to side | no turn


  • Start in Closed Position. Circle imaginary spot in the center.

  • Because of the continuous turn, knees will not straighten fully on 1-8. so only a slight, natural hip movement is used.

  • Three steps of Natural Top may be danced, 7-9.

  • Gold Variation:

    • While dancing steps 4-5, lead Lady to turn L under raised L arm having release R hand hold.

    • Lady RF fwd and slightly across LF, turning 1/4 L on step 4 (count "2*), then continue to turn L on RF and step to side on LF almost facing partner on step 5 (count "3").

    • Get into normal hold and continue with 6-9 of Natural Top (Lady's turn between steps 4&5 depends on Man's turn.)

Preceding Figures

  1. Basic Movements: Closed

  2. Basic Movements: Open

  3. Progressive Walks Back

  4. Underarm Turn To L

Following Figures

  1. Basic Movements: Open

  2. Basic Movements: Closed

  3. Fan

  4. Natural Opening Out Movement (last step, Man leads Lady towards his R side)

  5. Opening Out To Right And Left

  6. Closed Hip Twist (last step, Man leads Lady towards his R side)

  7. Spiral (last step, Man leads Lady towards his R side)

  8. Rope Spinning (last step, Man leads Lady towards his R side)

  9. Hockey Stick (4-6 following step 6 of Natural Top)

  10. Advanced Hip Twists (continue to turn a further 1/8 (up to 3/8) R on step 9, Man taking last step fwd in line with LF towards Lady R side)

  11. Continuous Hip Twists (continue to turn a further 1/8 (up to 3/8) R on step 9, Man taking last step fwd in line with LF towards Lady R side)

  12. Circular Hip Twists (continue to turn a further 1/8 (up to 3/8) R on step 9, Man taking last step fwd in line with LF towards Lady R side)