8-step Basic
8-step Basic
See Also: Argentine Tango Technique
Knowing the foot position number could be helpful. (The following is just one way of counting steps. Some starts first step with Lady R leg to side and ends with Lady's RF fwd.)
Position 1: Lady LF fwd, heel lead or flat foot. This step should feel very light and small, not a heavy fwd step.
Don't go "under" Man, not a ballroom lower and driving step. Do not have hip go forward more than upper body which makes body appear to be back weighted diagonally Lady should not swoop her hip under the Man.
Think about "metronome" from "top", small/short/light step, like stepping on crystal floor.
Position 2: Lady's RF to side:
Man leads with frame/embrace, not moving his weight just yet (doesn't even show from outside)
Man's lead, without torso, will only be for Lady to move her leg, but not her weight.
Body feels like still slightly leaning fwd. Hip has gap with Man, do not stick hip fwd to Man.
After transfer onto LF, wait, when feeling the lead, extend R leg out to side.
Lady feels the intention (the stretch and guide to R) and moves/points her leg to right, do not move her weight yet, wait, do not return or move body weight to her RF yet, till feeling Man's intention wit his embrace or torso.
Wait till Man moves his torso/weight to side, that's when Lady moves her weight.
Also be aware of angle of the step, keep parallel to Man.
This step is typically a short, small (then metronome action) step. It could be large if Man leads it, in which case, Lady will bend/lower into her left knee, R leg straight to the side, create the line, don't move weight yet till Man moves his torso.
When Man leads with torso, Lady moves weight onto RF, then collect LF (crosses behind RF, T position, wait and listen for lead) This is "collection point", no rush.
Pay attention to keep R hip slightly open, do not arch back, keep slightly pitched fwd pose, do not connect at hip.
Man can change between Parallel (normal) or Cross System here, but Lady does not change her footwork, don't change weight.
Position 3: Lady LF back (roughly inline with RF, feels like crossing line) Man steps OP.
At this point, Man can resume normal walking. Or Man can continue with Cruzada next. Lady listen to lead.
Embellishment: RF can embellish to left of her L leg and then reach back to go to next Position 4.
All the steps earlier, up till here, Lady's upper body is pretty parallel with Man.
Typically small step.
Position 4: Lady RF back, CMBP, Hip rotate to R a bit, RF turned out, R leg straight line.
Typically a larger step.
Do not swing R hip out, do not raise R hip. Just pull in R leg directly down traveling direction, thighs together tight, R leg brush L leg/L thigh first before, R knee flexed, pass L knee/leg. two kneed together, and then extending R leg back, straight leg. No gap between thighs.
Don't go diagonal, don't go to Man's track, do not step RF to R side. This is not a straight back step.
Open up R hip. Lady's body is also turned to R. Use CBMP, RF crosses track, with R big toe is inline with L heel. makes it easier to get to cross for next step.
RF position is almost 90 degrees to original traveling direction line.
Legs are stepping in one lane. Lady's upper thighs stays together, does not open sideways.
Position 5: Cruzada
Lady will feel a lift which indicates to cross her LF next. After feeling lift, Lady goes on ball of RF, swivel RF inward a bit to allow LF to draw back to cross.
Don't drag LF on the floor, it's soft sliding on the floor (not pressing down to floor hard, sometimes, can lift slightly and place down), LF crosses in front of RF.
L knee bent, wrapped around straight R leg. (Lady goes to Man's track.) RF on ball of foot. R leg is straight.
Lady's LF (the crossing foot): pull L toes in a lot, R toes are more forward to Man than L toes) 2 feet are not really parallel.
This is a "collection point": Lady's weight is really on LF, LF crosses in front of RF and wait.
Really show back leg line, extend R leg straight back, after receiving lead, lower, then transfer weight onto RF. Do not fall into next step.
To finish the 8-step basic, next 3 steps are often called "resolution"
Position 4, 5: can do S S, can also syncopated QQ.
Position 6: Lady RF back, "collection point". Salida Closing
Before going into resolution, lower into L knee first. then R leg reaches behind, crossing.
Position 7: Lady LF goes through the the motion of L knee closes to R knee first, then LF collects behind RF, thighs together (no gap between thighs) before extending L leg straight to side.
Then Man uses torso to lead Lady to diagonally go upward and move her weight onto LF, L straight leg.
Position 8: Lady RF collects next to LF. Man can change weight or he can choose to not change weight.
Lady even when walking back, it feels like body is slightly leaning forward, avoid falling back into the step look.
Very often, Man skips Position 1, first step as it goes back for him, against LOD. So he often starts with weight on his RF, Lady's LF and in this case,
Both Man and Lady can do foot circles: Lady's RF can start going forward in between Man's legs, and then do little clockwise circles till he's ready to move.
After Position 5, lower into LF first, then various finishes:
Resolution, or
Use rock step, and then repeat with side step, or doing Cortada
Swivel on LF into Forward Ochos with Lady's RF.
"Salida" (e.g "Exit") Tango close - like a "period" of a sentence to end a figure and get ready to start a new figure.
Position 1: RF small step back. Tango is a traveling dance, you don't want to back into another couple. Also called salida atras,
Position 2: LF side. Also called salida costada or apertura. Together, these two steps constitute the salida.
Position 3: RF forward, CBMP, outside partner on her right side.
Position 4: LF forward
Position 5: RF feet together, squaring up the upper body, this will lead lady to cross LF in front of RF
Position 6: Next 3 steps are the resolution, or resolucion. LF forward, in line, in CBMP
Position 7: RF side
Position 8: LF feet together