Fallaway Rock

Jive Fallaway Rock

Fallaway Rock a Newcomer Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, movement, a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.

Start in Closed Position.


  • Q: Close LF to RF | 1/8 to L, Turn

  • Q: Replace weight to RF in PP

  • QaQ: Side Chasse LRL | 1/8 to R over 2-5

    • turn starts at the end of previous step.

  • QaQ: Side Chasse RLR


  • Q: RF back in fallaway | 1/4 to R

  • Q: Replace weight to LF in PP

    • At the end, it starts to turn L

  • QaQ: Side Chasse RLR | 1/4 to L over 2-5

  • QaQ: Side Chasse LRL


  • Start and end in PP. No turns for both Man and Lady.

  • Start in closed Position, end in PP.

    • Man: 1/8 L on 1.

    • Lady: 1/4 R on 1. 1/8 L over 2-5

  • Start in PP and end in Closed Position

    • Man: 1/8 R over 2-5

    • Lady: 1/8 R on 1, 1/4 L over 2-5

Preceding Figures

  1. Basic In Place

  2. Fallaway Rock

  3. Link

  4. Mooch

  5. Reverse Whip

  6. Toe Heel Swivels

  7. Whip

Following Figures

  1. Basic In Place

  2. Fallaway Rock

  3. Fallaway Throwaway

  4. Change of Places Right to Left

  5. Walks

  6. Mooch

  7. Whip (after 1-5)

  8. Whip Throwaway (after 1-5)

  9. Reverse Whip

  10. Stalking Walks, Flicks and Break