Natural Fleckerl

Viennese Waltz Natural Fleckerl

The Viennese Waltz Natural Fleckerl is a Gold Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; steps diagram; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.


Commencing facing LOD (any other alignment is possible).

The figure can complete one or two full turns, depending upon the dancers.

  • 1: RF fwd btwn Lady's feet | Facing DC Against LOD | HB | 1/8 to R btwn preceeding step and 1 | Nil | CBM | Nil

  • 2: LF to side and slightly fwd with 1/2 weight, continue to turn on RF | Facing DW | B | 1/2 to R btwn 1 and 2 | - | -

  • 3: Continue to turn on RF and take full weight on RF. LF held behind RF | Facing Against LOD | BH | 3/8 to R btwn 2 and 3 | - | -

  • 1: LF to side and slightly fwd | Facing DC Against LOD | HB| 1/8 to R btwn 3 and 4 | - | -

  • 2: RF crosses behind LF, 1/2 weight (a type of twist turn) | Facing DW | B | 1/2 to R btwn 4 and 5 | - | -

  • 3: Untwist on RF then LF to side, small step | Facing Against LOD | BH | 3/8 to R btwn 5 and 6 | - | -


  • 1: LF to side and slightly fwd | Facing DW | HB | 1/8 to R btwn preceding step and 1 | - | -

    • Continue turning movement on RF from previous step, do not put LF down too early (that will cut down the turn).

    • Always try to maintain parallel to partner. Don't think about turning shoulders. Don't let body fall back. Keep tail bone underneath body. This is right turning figure, keep right side positive.

    • This is heel lead. This is because Lady is on Man's R side, has good clearance and can provide powerful strong action. (On Reverse Fleckerl, Lady is underturned and is not in leading position and so the footwork is BHB)

    • There is no super big shape because of the amount of rotation and speed, but keep center to Man. Think about L elbow/arm going forward left.

  • 2: RF crosses behind LF, 1/2 weight (a type of twist turn) | Facing DC Against LOD | B | 1/2 to R btwn 1 and 2 | - | -

    • Pull ab muscle, keep body lined up and forward. Do not stick butt out. No big shape.

    • Use twisting action through the ball of RF to allow the body momentum to carry on.

    • Keep momentum going. Keep L side fwd, but do not lift L elbow. Arm flat.

  • 3: Untwist on RF, then LF to side, small step | Facing Against LOD | BH | 3/8 to R btwn 2 and 3 | - | -

  • 1: RF fwd, slightly cross, btwn Man's feet | Facing DW | BH | 1/8 to R btwn 3 and 4 | - | CBM | -

  • 2: LF to side and slightly fwd with 1/2 weight | Facing DC Against LOD | B | 1/2 to R btwn 4 and 5 | - | -

  • 3: RF crosses loosely in front of LF | Facing Against LOD | BH | 3/8 to R btwn 5 and 6 | - | -

    • It's not tight cross at ankles, it's loosely crossing at knee level.


    • The figure can commence anywhere where previous figure has ended.

    • It can rotate 1 up to 2 revolutions depending on the couple.

    • For both Man and Lady, there is a strong rotation, so there must be a foot swivel on the ball of the flat foot on each step.

    • Middle of body forward, side to Man. Shaping is not as big as other dances, focus on rotation.

Preceding Figures

  1. Contra Check

  2. Natural Fleckerl

  3. Natural Turn

Following Figures

  1. Natural Fleckerl (normal; or 1-3 Natural Fleckerl, 4-6 Natural Turn)

  2. Natural Turn