Outside Change

Waltz Outside Change

The Waltz Outside Change is a Bronze level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; steps diagram; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.


  1. Count 1: LF back | BDC | TH | -- | Start to rise e/o 1

    • Use range of motion.

  2. Count 2: RF back | BDC | T | starts to turn L | - | CBM | continue to rise on 2

    • Watch lady's position, do not turn hips without lady. Keep lady in front to the R side.

  3. Count 3: LF to side and slightly fwd | Pointing DW | TH | 1/4 between 2-3, body turns less | - | up, lower e/o 3

  4. Count 1: RF fwd in CBMP, OP | Facing DW | H | CBM


  1. Count 1: RF fwd | Facing DC | HT | -- | Start to rise e/o 1

    • Relax knees, connect shoulder to hip joint. Big steps. Lift up center. Direct spine to RF.

    • This can start from OP, then it's like stepping between 2 glass panes

    • Some coach suggest: Use CBM on this step to wind up (shoulder turned to R)

  2. Count 2: LF fwd | Facing DC | T | starts to turn L | - | CBM | Continue to rise on 2

    • Stepping in same direction as 1st step.

    • Styling option:

      1. Keep head very left.

      2. Shape and turn head to right. head turns back to normal in next figure.

        • Head is very left and only start changing head after weight is on LF, then shape to R. Change head only if being led. Don't change head if not led.

        • When followed by Natural Turn with head turned to R, don't close head on 1 into Natural Turn, listen to lead, closing at end of 2. (all changes happen before end of 2) lead has to be strong enough.

    • "Hover" - the good feeling of totally on balance, extend, express musicality.

    • Take center back. don't gap with partner

    • Some coach suggest: "Unwind" - after stepping LF, swivel on it to L, but keep shoulder where it is, it shoulder ends up rotated to R.

    • Body feels twisted, middle of body connect with Man, left shoulder side very forward, following Man's shape, body may shape (twist) more to left, but relative to hips, left side is fwd.

    • Variation: Finish in Promenade Position, in which case, foot position doesn't change, but turn shoulders toward Man. Keep head outside shoulder.

  3. Count 3: RF to side and slightly back | Backing DW | TH | 1/4 between 2-3, body turn less | up, lower e/o 3

    • The step can be thought of side or back step, depending on the moment looking at the step.

  4. Count 1: LF back in CBMP | Backing DW | T | - | - | CBM

    • Man will be stepping outside partner.


  • This may end in Promenade Position.

Preceding Figures

  1. Cross Hesitation

  2. Hover Corte

  3. Left Whisk

  4. Natural Turn

  5. Progressive Chasse To R

  6. Reverse Corte

Following Figures

  1. Natural Spin Turn (when ending OP)

  2. Natural Turn (when ending OP)

  3. Hesitation Change (when ending OP)

  4. Wing (when ended in PP)

  5. Weave From Promenade Position (when ended in PP)

  6. Closed Wing (when ending OP; or when ending PP, Foot position of step 3 of Outside Change will be the same as step 3 Open Telemark)

  7. Chasse From Promenade Position (when ending in PP)

  8. Left Whisk (when ending in PP)

  9. Cross Hesitation (when ending in PP)