Spot Turns, Switch Turns, Underarm Turns

Cha Cha Cha Switch Turns

The Cha Cha Switch Turns are Bronze Level figures. This online reference gives a detailed description of the different variation of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.


  • 2: RF fwd (after turning 1/4 to L on preceding "&") in line with LF ,Then turn 1/2 to end with RF in the back on "&" | 1/4 to L, step RF, then 1/2 to L

    • This is Switch Turn to Left.

    • The turn is started at the end of preceding figure.

  • 3: Transfer weight to LF

    • "3&", on "&": turn 1/4 to L

  • 4 & 1: RF to side to chasse RLR | 1/4 to L over 3-5

    • At end of "1": turn to R.

  • 2: LF fwd (after 1/4 to R) in line with RF, then turn 1/2 to end with LF in the back | 1/4 to R, step LF, then 1/2 to R

    • This is Switch Turn to Right.

    • The turn is started at the end of preceding figure.

  • 3: Transfer weight to RF,

    • on "&", turn 1/4 to R

  • 4 & 1: LF to side to chasse LRL | 1/4 to R over 3-5


  • 2: LF fwd (after turning 1/4 to R on preceding "&") in line with RF. Then turn 1/2 to R to end with LF in the back on "&" | 1/4 to R, step LF, Then 1/2 to R on "&"

    • This is Switch Turn to Left (because Man is turning L)

    • End of preceding step on '&', fully transfer weight, (tone in arms, feeling like pressing into Man's arm), turn 1/4 to R, swivel RF and then strike LF fwd, LF turned out. Pay attention to foot position, not turned in.

    • Different from New Yorker: For this step, commit weight on front foot before doing the half turn to R. See Forward Walk Turn technique.

    • Arms: Lady turning to R, L arm behind, R arm in front, R palm facing tummy, wrapping around body while turning.

  • 3: Transfer weight on to RF

    • Coaches do it differently:

      • Option: before "3", there is a moment the R leg is bent, then straighten before stepping on floor.

      • Option: Keep R leg straight the whole time.

    • On "&", fully transfer weight, turn 1/4 to R (turn before stepping next step). See Swivel technique.

    • One Variation is that on "&", body continue turning to maximum, then quick leg movement in 4&1.

  • 4 & 1: LF to side chasse LRL | 1/4 to R over 3-5

    • "4": it's a side step (after the turning to face partner), do not make it a forward step, then turn.

    • At end of this step, turn for next Switch Turn to R.

    • After turning, arms slowing coming back out to side.

  • 2: RF fwd (after 1/4 to L) in line with LF, Then turn 1/2 to L ending with RF in the back | 1/4 to L, then 1/2 to L

    • Switch Turn to Right (Man is turning to R)

    • The turn is started at the end of preceding figure.

    • Arm wrap around L arm in front, R arm behind.

  • 3: Transfer weight to LF

    • on "&", turn 1/4 to L

  • 4 & 1: RF to side chasse RLR | 1/4 to L over 3-5

    • When followed by underarm turn or Alemana, L arm will be straight out to the side.


  • Start with Closed Position. No hold, or L to R or R to L hand hold.

  • Take required hold at the end. Stop or Switch Turn to L may end in Open Position, taking L to R hand hold at end of 2, and taking the Chasse forward leading Lady back.

Spot or Switch Turns to R (Lady to L) - Preceding Figures

  1. Advanced Hip Twist

  2. Aida

  3. Alemana

  4. Basic Movement In Place

  5. Closed Basic Movement

  6. Closed Hip Twist

  7. Cross Basic

  8. Cuban Break RF

  9. Curl

  10. Hand To Hand LSP

  11. Hip Twist Spiral

  12. Hockey Stick

  13. New York RSP

  14. Open Hip Twist

  15. Rope Spinning

  16. Shoulder To Shoulder Right Side

  17. Side Step To Right commenced with RF

  18. Spiral

  19. Split Cuban Break LF

  20. Spot or Switch Turn To L (Lady to R)

  21. There And Back

  22. Three Cha Cha Chas Forward

  23. Time Step RF

  24. Underarm Turn to L

Spot or Switch Turns to R (Lady to L) - Following Figures

  1. Closed Basic Movement (6-10)

  2. Open Basic Movement (6-10)

  3. New York RSP

  4. Spot or Switch Turn To L (Lady to R)

  5. Underarm Turn to L

  6. Hand To Hand LSP

  7. Side Step To Left commenced with RF

  8. Side Step To Right commenced with RF

  9. Time Step RF

  10. Three Cha Cha Chas Forward (4-9, in RSP)

  11. Fan (6-10)

  12. Aida

  13. Cuban Break RF

  14. Split Cuban Break RF

1. Spot or Switch Turn To L (Lady to R) 234&1 RF

Spot or Switch Turns to L (Lady to R) - Preceding Figures

  1. Basic Movement In Place

  2. Closed Basic Movement

  3. Cuban Break LF

  4. Hand To Hand RSP

  5. New York LSP

  6. Shoulder To Shoulder Left Side

  7. Side Step To Left commenced with LF

  8. Split Cuban Break RF

  9. Spot or Switch Turn To R (Lady to L)

  10. Three Cha Cha Chas Forward

  11. Time Step LF

  12. Underarm Turn To R

Spot or Switch Turns to L (Lady to R) - Following Figures

  1. Time Step LF

  2. Closed Basic Movement

  3. Open Basic Movement (normal; or when ended in Open Position; or when ended in Open Position, follow with step 1-2 of Open Basic into Three Cha Cha Chas Back; or when ended in Open Position, follow with step 1-5 of Open Basic into Natural Top)

  4. New York LSP

  5. Spot or Switch Turn To R (Lady to L)

  6. Underarm Turn To R

  7. Hand To Hand RSP

  8. Side Step To Left commenced with LF

  9. Side Step To Right commenced with LF

  10. There And Back

  11. Three Cha Cha Chas Forward (4-9, in LSP)

  12. Fan

  13. Cross Basic

  14. Cuban Break LF

  15. Split Cuban Break LF

  16. Alemana (when ended in Open Position)

  17. Open Hip Twist (when ended in Open Position)

  18. Curl (when ended in Open Position)

  19. Chase (when ended in Open Position)

  20. Turkish Towel (when ended in Open Position)

  21. Sweetheart (when ended in Open Position)

  22. Follow My Leader (when ended in Open Position)

Cha Cha Cha Spot Turns

  • Spot Turn is technically defined as "two forward steps and a Chasse to side danced solo by Man and/or Lady circling either to L or R".

  • Partner may dance Time Step, or Closed Basic. Or, Man and Lady can dance this together.

  • Variations:

    • A complete turn is made when Man and Lady start and end facing each other.

    • 7/8 turn is made when starting in Open PP or Open CPP and ending facing each other, or vice versa; or when starting in LSP or RSP and ending facing partner.

    • 3/4 turn is made when starting in Open PP and ending in Open CPP or vice verse.

  • Spot Turns are popular ending to New York, Hand to Hand, etc. and can be danced as Switch Turns.

To execute Spot Turns "by the book":

  • "2": LF diagonally fwd and across to Man's Left side, shoulder is parallel to Man (common mistake is to turn everything). Use CBMP to create torque. Use Forward Walk Turn action on "&" to do 1/2 turn. Finish with "tail bone" down. 2 variations for RF:

    • brush action: as we do rotation, close and collect on "&"

    • switch action: no collection on "&", just turn and replace weight on "3".

  • "3": Get weight onto RF foot, do Swivel action to outside to turn and face partner. Do not rush to turn to face partner.

    • Don't skip over middle positions. Make sure weight is fully shifted to front of foot before swivel.

    • Pay special attention: the hip needs to have a connected movement with spine, so the hip shifts forward when spine moves forward. Head should not stick forward, butt back. There is no break at hip. Gets hip, rib cage, head on one vertical line.

    • Finish with tail bone down. so there is a good axis for swivel.

    • Don't try to turn early. Finish one step first before next step.

    • As right side pull through to swivel, inside edge of left foot tracks underneath. Track seamlessly, not pausing. (Advanced dancers can choose to pause for accent - conscious decision. For basic actions, just track smoothly through.)

  • "4&1": LF side chasse.

Connecting Figures are the same as Switch Turns.

Cha Cha Cha Underarm Turns

Underarm Turn to Left (Lady's Left)

This can start in Closed Position or Open CPP. L to R hand hold.

From Closed Position:

  • Man does 1-5 step of Closed Basic, while leading Lady to do a Switch Turn turning to her L by raising his L arm and circling counter clockwise.

From Open CPP:

  • Man does 1-5 step of Closed Basic, step 1 will be towards Lady's L side and turning 1/8 L over 3-5, then lead as above.

  • Man may turn 1/8 L on last step to end in Open PP (Lady turns 1/8 less).

Underarm Turn to Right (Lady's Right)

This starts in Closed Position. L to R hand hold.

From Closed Position:

  • Man does 6-10 step of Closed Basic, while leading Lady to do Switch Turn, turning to her R, by raising his L arm and circling clockwise.

    • Step 6: heel needs to be on the ground, straight back, not turn (which hints Alemena).

  • Man may turn 1/8 to R to end in Open CPP. Lady turns 1/8 Less.

Underarm Turn to L - Preceding Figures

  1. Advanced Hip Twist

  2. Alemana

  3. Basic Movement In Place

  4. Closed Basic Movement

  5. Closed Hip Twist

  6. Cuban Break LF

  7. Curl

  8. Hand To Hand LSP

  9. Hip Twist Spiral

  10. Hockey Stick

  11. New York RSP

  12. Open Hip Twist

  13. Rope Spinning

  14. Shoulder To Shoulder Right Side

  15. Spiral

  16. Split Cuban Break RF

  17. Spot or Switch Turn To R (Lady to L)

  18. There And Back

  19. Time Step RF

  20. Underarm Turn To R

Underarm Turn to L - Following Figures

  1. Closed Basic Movement (6-10)

  2. Open Basic Movement (6-10)

  3. New York RSP

  4. Spot or Switch Turn To R (Lady to L)

  5. Underarm Turn To R

  6. Hand To Hand LSP

  7. Side Step To Left commenced with RF

  8. Side Step To Right commenced with RF

  9. Time Step RF

  10. Fan (6-10)

  11. Natural Top (turning slightly R on preceding Chasse)

  12. Aida

  13. Cuban Break RF

  14. Split Cuban Break RF

Underarm Turn to R - Preceding Figures

  1. Aida

  2. Basic Movement In Place

  3. Closed Basic Movement

  4. Cross Basic

  5. Cuban Break RF

  6. Hand To Hand RSP

  7. Natural Opening Out Movement

  8. New York LSP

  9. Shoulder To Shoulder Left Side

  10. Side Step To Left commenced with LF

  11. Side Step To Right commenced with LF

  12. Split Cuban Break LF

  13. Spot or Switch Turn To L (Lady to R)

  14. Time Step LF

  15. Underarm Turn to L

Underarm Turn to R - Following Figures

  1. Cross Basic

  2. Closed Basic Movement

  3. Open Basic Movement

  4. New York LSP

  5. Spot or Switch Turn To L (Lady to R)

  6. Underarm Turn to L

  7. Shoulder To Shoulder Left Side

  8. Hand To Hand RSP

  9. Side Step To Left commenced with LF

  10. Side Step To Right commenced with LF

  11. There And Back

  12. Time Step LF

  13. Three Cha Cha Chas Forward (4-9, LSP)

  14. Fan

  15. Cuban Break LF

  16. Split Cuban Break LF