
ISTD International Standard - Waltz Syllabus

Waltz is a traveling, swing dance. It is also called Slow Waltz (compared to Viennese Waltz) or Diagonal Waltz (Waltz moves down the floor in a zig-zag diagonal fashion, while Viennese Waltz moves straight down Line of Dance.)


  1. Closed Changes

  2. Natural Turn

  3. Reverse Turn

  4. Natural Spin Turn

  5. Whisk

  6. Chasse from Promenade Position


  1. Closed Impetus

  2. Hesitation Change

  3. Outside Change

  4. Reverse Corté

  5. Back Whisk

  6. Basic Weave

  7. Double Reverse Spin

  8. Reverse Pivot

  9. Back Lock

  10. Progressive Chassé to R


  1. Weave from Promenade Position

  2. Closed Telemark

  3. Open Telemark & Cross Hesitation

  4. Open Telemark and Wing

  5. Open Impetus and Cross Hesitation

  6. Open Impetus and Wing

  7. Outside Spin

  8. Turning Lock

  9. Drag Hesitation (*)


  1. Left Whisk

  2. Contra Check

  3. Closed Wing

  4. Turning Lock to R

  5. Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot

  6. Hover Corte

  7. Fallaway Whisk (*)

* Figures marked with (*) are additional figures that may be danced in Medal Tests at the indicated level.

Waltz Timing

    • 3/4 with the first beat accented. 3 beats per measure (bar), 1/4 (quarter note) is one beat.

    • Each step is one beat.

Waltz Technique

See Standard Technique and Waltz technique page.

Waltz Choreography

Waltz choreography for various levels