Chicken Walks
Jive Chicken Walks
The Chicken Walks is a Gold level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, movement, a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
Start in Open Position.
Q: LF back, small step, with partial weight
Increase tone in L arm to prevent Lady stepping back.
Merengue action is used on steps 1-3.
Step 1: R knee is firmly straightened on 2nd half of preceding step, making R hip to move back and to R. Then LF is palced back on ball of foot with knee flexed.
Q: Taking full weight to LF, RF back, small step, partial weight
End of previous step: Lower LF heel, straighten L knee, L hip moves back to L. RF is placed back on ball with knee flexed.
Q: Take full weight to RF, LF back, small step, with partial weight
repeat. Man's straightening and flexing of knees indicates to Lady to turn.
Q: Take full weight to LF, RF back, small step
Q: RF point fwd in line with LF, no weight, R leg straight. L knee flexed. | Hips turn to R
RF on OE of toe pointing fwd. Keep weight/upper body forward. Keep LH at waist. Left shoulder forward.
a: RF step toward LF | Hips to normal
R shoulder forward.
Q: Point LF fwd, R knee flexed | Hips to L
LF on OE of toe pointing fwd
a: F steps toward RF | Hips normal
Q: RF point fwd, L knee flexed | Hips to R
RF on OE of toe pointing fwd
a: RF closes to LF | Hips normal
Q: LF fwd | No turn
Step onto LF and rise (going to RLR chasse.)
Timing: Other combinations of "S"s and "Q"s can be used. Examples: "Sa Sa Sa S", "Qa Qa Qa Q", "Sa Sa Qa Qa Qa Q"
When dancing slow, L hand and arm can add styling.
Slow or Quick swivel action can be danced.
Preceding Figures
Following Figures
Fallaway Throwaway (step 3-8 Fallaway Throwaway started with L to R hand hold.)