Stalking Walks, Flicks and Break
Jive Stalking Walks, Flicks and Break
Jive Stalking Walks, Flicks and Break is a Gold Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, movement, a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
Start in Closed Position.
QQ: 1, 2 of Fallaway Rock LR | 1/8 to L on step 1. No turn on step 2
BF, BF; Turn Lady to R on step 1. Increase tone in arms on step 2.
Q: Point LF diag fwd in PP, without weight. Incline body to L | No turn
T; Keep tone in arms
Dance with the pointing leg straight and the instep stretched.
Q: Replace weight to LF in PP. Return body to normal position. | No turn
Q: Point RF fwd and across in PP and CBMP without weight. Incline body to R | No turn.
OE of T; Keep tone in arms.
Dance with the pointing leg straight and the instep stretched.
Q: Replace weight to RF in PP. Return body to normal position. | No turn.
QQ: Repeat step 3 and 4 (LF point and step) | No turn.
T, BF;
Step 7: Dance with the pointing leg straight and the instep stretched.
Q: Flick RF fwd and across in PP and CBMP, slightly off floor | Slight body turn to L
Foot slightly off floor; Allow R hand to slip slightly rightwards and keep tone in arms.
Flick leg from knee with the foot about 6 inches from floor and instep stretched.
Q: Close RF near to LF in Closed Position | 1/4 to R, body turns less
Q: Flick LF fwd and across in CPP and CBMP, slightly off floor | Slight body turn to R
Foot slightly off floor; Keep tone in arms.
Flick leg from knee with the foot about 6 inches from floor and instep stretched.
Q: Close LF near to RF in Closed Position | 1/4 to L, body turns less
QQQQ: Repeat steps 9-12 (RF flick, close, LF flick, close)
same as steps 9-12
Q: RF fwd and across in PP and CBMP, knees slightly flexed | Slight body turn to L
Start "Break" (step 17-19)
BF; An inclination of body to L or R can be used on this step and is held on step 18.
QQ: Hold position weight on RF | No turn.
Hold position with front foot flat. Keep tone in arms. (1 3/4 beat)
a: Replace part weight to LF in PP | No turn.
B; Keep tone in arms (1/4 beat)
Q: Replace weight to RF in PP. | No turn.
QQ: 1, 2 of Fallaway Rock RL | 1/8 to R on step 1
Q: Point RF diag fwd in PP, without weight. Incline body to R | No turn
T; Dance with the pointing leg straight and the instep stretched.
Q: Replace weight to RF in PP. Return body to normal position. | No turn
Q: Point LF fwd and across in PP and CBMP, without weight. Incline body to L. | No turn
OE of T; Dance with the pointing leg straight and the instep stretched.
Q: Replace weight to LF in PP. Return body to normal position. | No turn
QQ: Repeat steps 3 and 4. (F point an step) | No turn
Step 7: Dance with the pointing leg straight and the instep stretched.
Q: Flick LF fwd and across in PP and CBMP, slightly off floor | Slight body turn to R
Foot slightly off floor
Flick leg from knee with the foot about 6 inches from floor and instep stretched.
Q: Close LF near to RF in Closed Position. | 1/4 to L, body turns less
Flick RF fwd and across in CPP and CBMP, slightly off floor
Slight body turn to L
Foot slightly off floor
Flick leg from knee with the foot about 6 inches from floor and instep stretched.
Q: Close RF near to LF in Closed Position. | 1/4 to R, body turns less
QQQQ: Repeat steps 9-12 (RF flick, close, LF flick, close) | same as 9-12
same as 9-12
Q: LF fwd and across in PP and CBMP knees slightly flexed | Slight body turn to R
Start "Break" (step 17-19)
BF; An inclination of body to L or R can be used on this step and is held on step 18.
QQ: Hold position, weight on LF | No turn
Hold position with front foot flat (1 3/4 beat)
a: Replace part weight to RF in PP | No turn
B (1/4 beat)
Q: Replace weight to LF in PP | No turn
This figure may start in Open Position with double hand hold, in which case, replace Fallaway Rock with 1,2 of Link. Double hand hold is retained throughout the figure.
Preceding Figures
Following Figures
Fallaway Throwaway (step 3-8 Fallaway Throwaway)
Change of Places Right to Left (step 3-8 of Change of Places)