Natural Opening Out Movement
Cha Cha Cha Natural Opening Out Movement
The Cha Cha Natural Opening Out Movement is a Bronze Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, and movement, technique; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
2: LF to side or fwd in RSP | Slight body turn to R
Rotate frame to R
3: Transfer weight to RF
4 & 1: Compact Chasse LRL End in Closed Position | Slight body turn to L to normal position over 3 - 5
2: RF back in RSP | 1/2 to R
The turn starts at end of previous figure on "1" (or end of "1") e.g. after Natural Top, then do Forward Walk Turn, split weight and turn.
Rotate the core, don't distort relative position of R arm and body.
3: Transfer weight to LF
At end of "3", rotate/swivel, track RF next to LF.
4 & 1: RF fwd and slightly across LF to chasse RLR, to end RF to side in Closed Position | 1/4 to L, then a further 1/4 over 4 & 5
The differences between Closed Hip Twist and Natural Opening Out Movement: (though this is different from the chart)
Closed Hip Twist
Amount of Turn: Lady does 1/2
Man step forward on step 1
Closed Hold
Chasse: Lady does pressed chasse (RF cross in front of LF)
Finish in PP
Natural Opening Out Movement
Amount of Turn: Lady does 1/4 (chart says 1/2)
Man step side on step 1(chart says fwd is ok)
"elbow hold" - both arms extended, Lady's LH near Man's R elbow.
Chasse: Lady does Compact Chasse (RF closed to LF) - (chart says RF fwd, slightly across LF)
Finish in closed position
Preceding Figures
Following Figures
Open Basic Movement (6-10)
Closed Basic Movement (6-10)
Fan (6-10)
Reverse Top (Man turns 1/8 L over 3-5 to Contact Position, placing LF in front RF as Cuban Cross to chasse LRL, Lady turns an additional 1/8 over 3-5 to end with RF back and slightly side, Man's first step of Natural Opening Out Movement is side)