Las Vegas


  • &1: From the Open facing position

  • 2: Lady RF fwd to L side of Man, Man does hand change (which is an indication for Las Vegas), into Lady's RH to Man's RH, Lady prepares to turn to R

  • 3: Lady LF fwd, about 1/4 turn to R, Man ends behind Lady.

    • Man's catches both of Lady's wrists from behind. Man's hands are on top of the wrists.

  • &4: (and-kick) RF closes to LF on & with weight, 4: LF flick diagonally to R.

    • arm can be straight to side slightly behind Lady's body. Lady forward, open up chest, arched back (do not over do it). Palms back or facing in, wrist is not too twist

    • Body (ribs and hips) will twist during kick, but make sure body doesn't affect arm position, leave arms to Man

    • Another option is: Man takes the arm downward on this step and on next step, it will wheel up

  • &5: (ball - change) LF on ball on &, then RF cross on 5.

    • Arm option: Man first lift up both arms, then throws Lady's L arm downward , Lady's L arm do a big wheel from bottom counter clock wise up and around to end in the back.

  • 6: at end of previous count, slight 1/2 easy turn to R, ending LF back

    • Styling: Lady can go lower into L knee (bend deeper), exaggerate R leg, RF when RF does the back break next.

  • &1: back break

Las Vegas with Prancing steps:

  • &5: ball-change with RF crossing in front

  • 6 7 : prancing cross steps, lift knee, cross in front, 2 times

    • Can repeat, Lady does this as long as Man holds onto both of her wrists.

  • 8: end of previous step, pivot on RF to face Man, then LF back

    • Can do big arm wheel finish here as well (at 7: arm come up first, as Lady pivots and compress on RF, before L arm goes down for wheeling finish)

    • Can do the "whisk" finish, pivot and compress into RF and propel to step onto LF back, and then back break whisk finish.

  • &1: back break.