Bolero Patterns
Bolero patterns gathered from various classes and sources are included here, mostly as a reference for dancers taken similar classes.
Bolero Underarm Turn, Grapevine, ronde to Shadow, Check, Walk Around
SQQSQQSQQS: Open Break. Lady starts RF to side; Lady's Underarm Turn to R, finish with LF to side, double hand hold (to signal grapevine)
QQS&: Lady's RF crosses back grapevine to her L, LF side, RF fwd cross, bent knee, L leg ronde collect bent, then LF fwd, hip first L, then twist to R, starting turning R
QQS: Lady rolls out to R, ending side by side with Man, with RF to side, ready for check
QQS: Lady LF fwd cross check, R arm extend to R, RF replace, Man then "throwing" Lady initiating her turn to her L, Lady LF to side, start turning 1/2 turn to L
QQS: after turning to L, RF to side (backing Man), 1/2 turn to L (facing Man); LF fwd slight to side, turn 1/2 to L (backing Man), RF side and slightly back, turning L while raising L arm up high to clear to get ready to connect to Man's R arm.
QQS: Finish, Lady LF to side, RF fwd, LF side.
Bolero Alemana to Aros on L leg
QQSQQS: Open Break, (open window with her RH R arm), Man switch hands, Alemana Lady finish on her L leg.
SS: L leg starts bent, then rise, R leg straight from front, go up and around and bend behind in Aros position, Man walking around
SS: Lady lower her L leg, point her R leg fwd, (total 5 Slow's)
Q&QS: spin out.