The Whisk is a Newcomer Waltz figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; steps diagram; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
This figure starts facing diagonal wall (FDW), ending in Promenade position. There are several variations on the amount of turn which results in traveling different directions.
Waltz Whisk: Ending traveling LOD (Lady turns 1/4, Man has no turn)
Count 1: LF fwd | FDW | HT | Nil | Sway(S) | slight | Start to rise at end of 1
Count 2: RF to side and slightly fwd | FDW | T | Nil | Sway(L) | Cont to rise on 2 and 3
Position of this step is consistent with step 2 of LF Closed Change.
This is not a side step (which will be abrupt change of direction), it's a forward step (smoother)
When pushing LF, allow RF to slide on the floor, so the weight doesn't pass the foot (otherwise, momentum carries weight to right which causes balance issue).
Rotate upper body to right to lead lady to whisk
Count 3: LF crosses behind RF in PP | FDW | TH | Nil | Sway(L) | Lower at end of 3
Brush LF, turn the frame, bring the foot right underneath the body, knees are touching, both feet facing same direction, foot does not turn out.
Leader needs to step far enough back on 3 so that it is clear to follower that she should pass her feet.
Big twist, keep hips lifted toward lady.
In PP, frame facing your partner, don't open up with shoulder facing LOD.
Count 1: RF back | BDW | TH | Nil | Sway(S) | -- | Start to rise e/o 1, NFR
Whisk starts with a contra check action to begin with, wind up, commit enough weight on RF and then unwind and go to side (basic version)
In contra checks: weight has to go on back foot more than 50%, in order to push up and sprint (you can't push with 50-50 split weight. Action: coil up, and then rebounce.)
Count 2: LF diagonally back | PDC | T | 1/4 to R btwn 1-2, body turns less | Sway(R) | -- | Cont to rise on 2 and 3
Before taking step, LF needs to track under body.
Lady keep moving one direction till Man signals to turn at e/o 2.
Feet completes the turn by swiveling at e/o 2, frame now faces wall, sort of in a funny position.
Lady's L leg should track Man's R leg, so it will step in the right place and stay behind man. Take this step bigger. Feet complete the turn between 1-2.
Allow legs and hips to turn, but try very hard to keep upper body parallel with Man, almost feeling like upper body is twisting to left.
Whenever rising up to toes on both feet, you must take abdominal muscle/lower center back to the spine which will give give you internal balance.
Lady would feel her left hip is led to rise, lift left hip higher.
Count 3: RF crosses behind LF in PP | FDC | TH | body completes turn | Sway(R) | -- | Lower e/o 3
Foot: RF comes right underneath the body. Do not leave lot of space between RF and LF. RF and LF should be parallel pointing to the same direction.
There is no more movement on 3rd step.
Two thighs are very together, no space to see through. Man's R thigh is on Lady's inside of Left thigh. (Then, going to Chasse, Lady's left leg is going to follow Man's R leg.)
Hip: rotate hip to turn to right. lift up R hip toward Man, do not drop it.
R leg is the standing leg, but L hip is higher.
Head: is along the line of the spine. (Imagine pony tail being pulled back)
Do not drop L shoulder, stretch left side. Shoulder does not tilt.
Right shoulder forward. When taking the weight back, do not take R shoulder/arm with it. Leave R shoulder quite forward to Man, tuck shoulder under and in.
In PP, frame is backing wall, facing your partner, while feet is DC. Keep center to partner. don't open up with shoulder facing LOD.
When turning into promenade, the lady's head is the last thing to turn, between 2-3.
When the lady moves between promenade and closed position, her head should "go over the moon", i.e., the nose describes an upward arc, to prevent the chin from going down.
Head turn is a result of lady turning her Left side toward Man. body and head should not turn "on its own". Head should be over the "high jump bar" on the other side of the arm. Think about "sit back" - don't lean head forward.
Whisk is a figure to connect two positions: Closed Position and Promenade Position.
Waltz Whisk: Ending traveling NEW LOD (Lady has no turn, Mans turns)
Count 1: LF fwd | FDW | HT | Starts to turn L | Sway(S) | slight CBM | Start to rise at end of 1
Count 2: RF diag fwd, with R side leading | FLOD | T | 1/8 btwn 1-2 | Sway(L) | Cont to rise on 2 and 3
Count 3: LF crosses behind RF in PP | FDW of new LOD | TH | 1/8 btwn 2-3 | Sway(L) | Lower at end of 3
Count 1: RF back | BDW | TH | -- | Sway(S) | -- | Start to rise e/o 1, NFR
Count 2: LF back, L side leading | BDW | T | -- | Sway(R) | -- | Cont to rise on 2 and 3
Count 3: RF crosses behind LF in PP | FDC on new LOD | TH | -- | Sway(R) | -- | Lower e/o 3
Waltz Whisk: Ending traveling DC (Both Man and Lady turn)
Count 1: LF fwd | FDW | HT | Starts to turn L | Sway(S) | slight CBM | Start to rise at end of 1
Count 2: RF to side and slightly fwd | FLOD | T | 1/8 btwn 1-2 | Sway(L) | Cont to rise on 2 and 3
Count 3: LF crosses behind RF in PP | FLOD | TH | -- | Sway(L) | Lower at end of 3
Count 1: RF back | BDW | TH | Starts to turn L | Sway(S) | -- | Start to rise e/o 1, NFR
Count 2: LF diag back | BLOD | T | 1/8 to L btwn 1-2 | Sway(R) | -- | Cont to rise on 2 and 3
feet completes the turn between 1-2
Count 3: RF crosses behind LF in PP | FC | TH | 1/4 to R btwn 2-3 | Sway(R) | -- | Lower e/o 3
Preceding Figures
Following Figures
Chasse From Promenade Position (Standard Chasse From Promenade or moving DC to follow with Closed Wing)
Weave From Promenade Position (after 1-2 moving to center after Whisk turned to face DC, OR, steps 1-2 moving DC after Whisk turned to face LOD)