Argentine Tango Walk
Walk General Technique
See Also: See Also: Argentine Tango Technique, Baldosa (6-step basic), 8-step Basic.
Keep the slightly pitched forward posture.
Prepare leg, but don't body yet, keep body with man, listen for lead. Push front foot, create leg line,
When stepping, stretch knees from the hip, brush feet, brush floor, extend straight leg, push from standing foot, then step and onto moving foot.
Always think about brushing thighs together and knees before stepping.
Free foot is lightly lifted (hip is slightly lifted), toe turned out.
Feet walk on one line, one lane (stepping foot cross the lane). The stepping foot is turned out. Walking is always crossing, upper legs together. Try to show only one knee (when looking from front).
During walk, Lady always don't let Man pass, Lady's hip doesn't get behind Man, always in front. The feeling is letting Man place Lady's weight onto her new standing foot, there is resistance (when Lady walking back)
Walking steps could be large (Lady's R leg back, then lower into standing leg before transferring weight), can be small (typical side steps and Lady's LF fwd) - metronome.
walking forward legs closer (think about crossing legs), gets closer to Lady.
Man can do continuous walks forward, Lady backward.
Man go in and out of outside partner walk on Lady's Left (Open Embrace) or Right, without going to cross steps.
Three Walks
In line.
Leader's and followers feet are in line. When leader is walking forward, leads follower to move leg before stepping himself.
On his right side
Man walks on his right side, his LF to his own right side (outside Lady's LF).
On his left side.
When walking on Man's left side (Man steps his RF toward his own L side, to Lady's R side) , Lady always crosses (cruzada). This provides a known point in figures during improvisation.
Parallel System & Cross System
In Parallel System (Normal System), the left foot will move with partner's the right foot.
In the Cross system – Moving same foot, e.g the left foot will move with partner's the left foot.
Lady's footwork is the same.
Man needs to fake in and out to change system.