Lady's Outside (Right) Turn
Two Step Lady's Outside (Right) Turn
This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance figure, including timing, foot positions, movement and technique.
S: LF to side
At end of previous step last Q, Man opens Lady up to her right slightly to prep.
Man does not open his shoulder to L or PP. Only Lady opens up to R to PP.
On S, Man raises his L arm to lead Lady into Outside Turn.
Q: RF steps behind LF
Man's footwork is same as in basic.
Q: LF rocks in place
S: RF to side
Q: LF steps behind RF
Q: RF rocks in place
S: RF to fwd | Turning to R
Full turn for the figure.
At end of previous step last Q, Man opens Lady up to her right slightly to prep. That's why Lady's step on S is going to be fwd (instead of Side).
Lady is slightly Promenade Position. Man raises his arm, Lady steps fwd, prepare to turn under arm.
The figure completes a full turn
Q: LF fwd | Continue to turn to R under raised R arm.
RF stays in place
Q: Replaces weight onto RF (in place) | Continue to turn to R
S: LF to side | Continue to turn to face partner
Swivel RF.
Resumes closed hold. (Or open hold if Man chooses.)
Q: RF steps behind LF
Back to basic action.
Q: LF rocks in place