Tango Technique

Tango, Posture and Hold

General Posture

Lady's Posture

Create Bigger Top and Bigger Movement

Man's Posture

Man's upper arms and elbows should make a smooth line, elbows in line with center of body.

Inviting Lady to Dance

 One option:

Diagonal Option:

Tango Movement

Tango Character

Waltz/Foxtrot is about continuity of movement, Tango separate each step. 

Character of the Tango dance is expressed in movement, musicality, sharpness of the lines (not in elbow height). The less one uses arm independently from torso, the more harmony they are with their partner. The sharpness comes from first a delay, then punch fwd the last second when it can't sustain anymore.

Tango has a lower base, has grounded look. The grounded look comes internally, pressure foot into the floor.  No Rise and Fall. Very flat.  Tango is about stopping. Footwork is staccato (leg quick release), body movement is legato (smooth, flowing).

Tango uses rotation, no side extension as in other swing dances.

Tango: constantly wind up (torque, CMBP) and unwind (side leading). The wind up creates the power (it's not in arm muscle that creates power.)

Longer strides: extend and stretch the leg; include the hip for longer strides.  Also, if you break at the hip, it looks like you are "sitting".

Tango movement falls into four categories: walks, swivels, kicks and flicks, line moves. 

It is very important (especially in Tango) to have the clarity in changing body positions:


See Tango Walk technique.

When the knees are tangled up, check the following:

Tango Open and Closed Box

How does one know to close the foot (Closed Finish) or passing foot (Open Finish):

Practice with Open and Closed Box (could be half Closed and half Open as well.)

From Closed Position, Lady weight on LF:


Tango "Slow" Timing

The "Slow" has two beats (1 2). There are three ways to step on a Slow:

Tango Positions

Tango Footwork - "X" Exercise

"X "exercise trains the awareness of IE and OE of foot and the impact of center of gravity, it helps to increase footwork clarity. 

Always use IE and OE edge of foot in Tango movement, practice walking in all 4 directions of the "X"

Steps Preceding Promenade Figure