Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot

Tango Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot

Tango Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot is a Gold level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; steps diagram; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.


  1. Q: LF fwd in CBMP | DC | H | CBM

  2. Q: RF back in Fallaway, R side leading | BDW, moving down LOD | IE of BH

  3. Q: LF back in CBMP and Fallaway | Down LOD | BH

  4. Q: RF back, LF held in CBMP | To center, toe turned in, end LOD or DW | BHB | CBM

    • Total 7/8 or 3/4 turn to L


  1. Q: RF back in CBMP | BDC | BH

    • Keep head very left, shoulders down, don't drop side. Give arms to Man.

    • Create curving to left by rotating/twisting the hip/leg area on the standing leg, so the step is still back step relative to hip, but because hip is rotating to left, overall movement is curving to left.

    • Body needs to arrive on the RF before moving off it.

    • Keep R side to Man. Stretching L arm to L. Think about the head is traveling a bigger circle than hips. Keep the volume with Man.

    • Keep moving, no stopping through the figure.

    • Throughout the figure, keep the upper body strong upward leftward diagonally poised.

  2. Q: LF back in Fallaway, L side leading | Backing DC, moving down LOD | IE of BH

    • Moving in the same direction (BDC) as first step.

    • Follow Man's hips. Really get weight onto LF. Keep head volume (keep the space between 2 heads, head does not come back in)

    • L side stretch very L with head extended to L. Arms to Man.

    • Do NOT pop up (after weight is on LF, L knee is bent and stays bent), head stay flat, no rise. Hips connected to Man.

    • Head can stay left (easier to stay with Man), or head can change to Promenade position.

  3. Q: RF back in CBMP and Fallaway (small step), LF held in CBMP | DC to end facing wall | B | CBM

    • Fallaway RF cross back, not a big step. Stay low, flat, no rise (do not push on RF to go up). Keep hip on same plane/platter.

    • Keep very stretched to left, hips connected to Man. R leg is flexed, do not straighten R leg. Keep L hip open, create space, inviting and allowing Man to go.

    • Keep frontal curve, head goes big circle. Keep head volume (still in PP). Arms to Man.

    • Before going into next step, pull center in which draws LF while turning L.

  4. Q: LF fwd in CBMP, RF held in CBMP | To center, to end BLOD or BDW | BH | CBM

    • Onto LF, pivot (body height stays flat) using under butt muscle. Keep very stretched to left. Head travels a bigger circular than hips. Keep head volume. Head back to Left.

    • Head changes to normal closed hold position during pivot. Arms to Man.

    • Total 7/8 or 3/4 turn to L

    • Finish with weight fully on LF, w/ knee more fwd, use butt muscle. Don't rush off and fall back into next step.


    • This figure can be danced into corner, starting DW or LOD to follow with a Reverse figure DC of new LOD.

    • Keep the arch in the back while moving, not increased nor decreased, break at the hip, invite Man.

Preceding Figures

  1. Back Corte

  2. Brush Tap

  3. Closed Promenade

  4. Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot

  5. Four Step Change

  6. Open Finish

  7. Open Promenade

  8. Outside Swivel

  9. Promenade Link

  10. Reverse Outside Swivel

  11. Rock Turn

Following Figures

  1. Open Reverse Turn, Lady Outside (if ended in LOD)

  2. Open Reverse Turn, Lady In Line (if ended in LOD)

  3. Progressive Side Step Reverse Turn (if ended in LOD)

  4. Reverse Outside Swivel (if ended in LOD; or if ended in LOD)

  5. Basic Reverse Turn (if ended in LOD)

  6. Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot (if ended in LOD; or if ended in LOD)

  7. Four Step (if ended in LOD, overturn Four Step; or if ended in DW)

  8. Fallaway Four Step (if ended in LOD)

  9. Oversway (if ended in LOD)

  10. Five Step (if ended in LOD, overturn Five Step; or if ended in DW)

  11. Progressive Link (if ended in DW)

  12. Progressive Side Step

  13. Four Step Change (if ended in DW)

  14. Brush Tap (if ended in DW)

  15. Contra Check (if ended in DW)