La Cadena (Chain)
La Cadena (Chain)
Chain is a repeating 4 step :
Step 1: Lady LF fwd (feels like going through Man), turning on ball of LF, pivoting action, look to R
Step 2: Lady RF reach to side (look to R, Promenade), and steps onto RF, turn to L on ball of RF, flex into bent R knee and hip
After Lady swivels on RF, Man can finish by doing walk (Lady LF back, pos 3), then lock and resolution
Step 3: Lady push RF, step LF diag back (away from him), RF sweeps in front and cross LF. Look to her Left (Counter Promenade)
To be light on Man, Lady pushes on LF on her own, while Man sweeps her R leg, and then step fwd with RF
Step 4: Lady weight onto RF that is in front (R leg kept in position straight). Look to L
To be light, Lady presses into RF to propel her LF fwd (for continuous La Cadena) to repeat from Step 1.
It often starts from back ochos, when Lady's LF is step back:
Lady RF back, ocho swivel,
Lady LF back, at this time, Man keeps her there, Lady leaves her R leg in front straight, she feels Man's leg from outside of her upper R leg and she sweeps her R leg to left, cross her LF, starting the Chain from step 4. It feels like Man is going through Lady's body and not around.
Always poised forward, do not lean back.