Natural Pivot Turn
Quickstep Natural Pivot Turn
The Quickstep Natural Pivot Turn is Newcomer Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; steps diagram; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
This could start in closed position or outside partner position, depending on the previous step.
S: RF fwd | FDW | HT | Start to turn R | Sway(S) | CBM | start to rise e/o 1
Q: LF side | BDC | T | 1/4 to R between 1-2 | Sway(R) | Up
Q: RF closes to LF | BLOD | TH | 1/8 to R between 2-3 | Sway(R) | Up, lower e/o 3
collect at e/o 3
S: LF back (RF held in CBMP) | Point BDW | THT | R up to 1/2 turn | Sway(S) | CBM | --
Heel is in contact with floor while turn is made on ball of foot. On next step, RF should be on same track as LF. Place down heel at end of pivot, (do not transfer weight to heel too early - that will cut the turn short and you won't be able to complete the turn) and then up on ball to drive into next step.
S: LF back | BDW | TH | starts to turn R | Sway(S) | CBM | start to rise e/o 1, NFR
Curve to left, make sure to still give left side forward to Man, keep head very left, really extend. Don't fall back.
Continue moving center with Man and leave head behind to create the shape.
Q: RF side | PLOD | T | 3/8 between 1-2 | body turns less | Sway(L) | Up
Make sure to get out of Man's way, RF moving direction is not down LOD, it's BDW, foot is pointing LOD.
Follow Man's hip to gauge RF step size. If too big, Lady will get in front of Man. Lady is inside of the turn.
Q: LF close to RF | FLOD | TH | body completes turn | Sway(L) | Up, lower e/o 3
Not as much rise, knee stay flexed, There is Sway and Shape to L, but much faster. Lower into legs/knees faster. "drop faster". Use the power on movement.
S: RF fwd (pivot) | FLOD | HTH | (Heel is kept in contact with floor) | up to 1/2 to R | Sway(S) | CBM | --
Heel is in contact with floor, though footwork is HTH.
Keep upper thigh contact with partner (R to R leg) for all pivot and spin turns.
Keep strong elbow, stay to left, elbow turn, leg just follow elbow.
Stay low, don't rise.
LF is not held in CBMP for lady, but CBM will be used on next step except when Natural Spin Turn follows the pivot.
Keep feet on two tracks at end of this step.
After pivot, posture should be still good, upper body should not be forward. R hip forward, don't stick butt out. It needs to finish with full weight on RF before pushing RF to drive to next step. Don't fall into next step.
There is a tendency for body to lean forward and move to R. (Try not turning head to R. Turning head to R tends to make body shift to R, which is not good.) Stay very left (Man's R side).
Shaping: often this shapes to R. Head to R.
Difference between a Pivot Turn and a Spin Turn is that there is no Rise in Pivot Turn. There is Rise (and brush) in Spin Turn.
At corner: turn 3/8 to face DW on new LOD.
Turn amount is up to 1/2 to face BLOD, followed by any Natural figure.