Media Vuelta
Media Vuelta
Half Vuelta:
Like closed wing. start from pos 3, lower into LF first, reach with RF, don't just put weight onto RF. Let arm stay with Man, arm is not fixed, it needs to extend or retract at right time to make sure to not disturb Man's frame.
Lady goes from Man's R side to his L side (leaving arm with him by extending L arm, keeping good solid connection with his R arm), but don't go too wide.
LF fwd in wing position, then go into fwd ochos, Or Molinette to his L.
Full Vuelta:
Start with half Vuelta, when Lady's ochos with RF fwd, swivel on RF, Man over turns Lady (so Lady knows it's different from normal fwd ochos), Man placed and pointed his R leg, After Lady swivels on her RF, she points her L leg fwd (Man points his foot already),
then Lady goes onto her LF, rotate around L hip and goes around Man, steps her RF fwd (over Man's RF), swivel on her RF and go back with her LF for pos 3, finish options:
finish with lock, and resolution.
If Man rotates more, after Lady does LF back, Man puts her leg in between (stay out of Lady's space), indicating Gancho. Lady does Gancho, Amague, RF fwd ocho out.