Progressive Walks
Rumba Progressive Walks
These are Newcomer Level figures. This online reference gives a detailed description of dance steps, including timing, and movement; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
Progressive Walks is danced in group of 3 or 6 forward or backward steps. Danced in Closed Position or Open Position. No turn or curve to L for walk forward or to R for walk back.
Progressive Walks Forward
2: LF fwd | slight turn or no turn.
See technique details in Latin Technique.
3: RF fwd
4 1: LF fwd
2: RF fwd
3: LF fwd
4 1: RF fwd
Preceding Figures
Following Figures
Alemana (following Progressive Walks forward danced in open position)
Open Hip Twist (following Progressive Walks forward danced in open position)
Curl (following Progressive Walks forward danced in open position)
Three Threes (following Progressive Walks forward danced in open position)
Three Alemanas (following Progressive Walks forward danced in open position)
Progressive Walks Backward
2: RF back | Slight turn or no turn.
Step, straighten, then transfer weight. See technique details in Latin Technique.
3: LF back
4 1: RF back
2: LF back
3: RF back
4 1: LF back
Walk back: Man may close on step 3 or 9 leading Lady fwd towards R side into a spiral turn to R to continue with Rope Spinning.
Preceding Figures
Following Figures
Basic Movements: Open (4-6)
Basic Movements: Closed (4-6)
Fan (4-6 starting in line)
Natural Top (Last step LF side turning slightly R, Lady RF fwd)
Progressive Walks Forward In Right Side Position
After a Hand To Hand RSP or a New York LSP, ending RSP, Man and Lady can do 6 Progressive Walks Forward without turn.
Preceding Figures
Following Figures
Spot or Switch Turn to L (Lady to R) (normal; or when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
New York RSP (no turn on step 1)
Basic Movements: Closed (4-6, when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Basic Movements: Open (4-6, when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Underarm Turn To R (when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Hand To Hand LSP (when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Side Step To Left commenced with RF (when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Side Step To Right commenced with RF (when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Cuban Rocks RF (when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Fan (4-6, when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Closed Hip Twist (4-6, when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Aida (when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Syncopated Cuban Rocks RF (when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Progressive Walks Forward In Left Side Position
After a Hand To Hand RSP or a New York LSP, ending LSP, Man and Lady can do 6 Progressive Walks Forward without turn.
Preceding Figures
Following Figures
Side Step To Left commenced with LF (ended facking partner)
Spot or Switch Turn To R (Lady to L) (normal; or when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
New York LSP (no turn on step 1)
Basic Movements: Open (when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Basic Movements: Closed (when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Underarm Turn To L (when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Hand To Hand RSP (when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Side Step To Right commenced with LF (when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Cuban Rock LF (when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Fan (when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Syncopated Cuban Rock LF (when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Progressive Walks Forward In Right Shadow Position (Kiki Walks)
Preceding steps: Alemana, Rope Spinning, Three Alemanas, Sliding Doors.
On last step, lead Lady towards R side then turn her R to R Shadow Position, get into one of the 3 R Shadow Holds.
Lady LF fwd in line with RF, then turn 1/2 to R on LF to end LF back.
count "2": Man and Lady then step back (Man LF, Lady RF)
count "3": Transfer weight fwd to RF (Lady LF)
count "4 1": LF fwd (Lady RF)
Follow with 6 Progressive Wlaks Forward with no turn or curving up to 1/2 to L. (Man start with RF, Lady LF)
Or dance Cuban Rock from Aida, then turn 1/2 (Man L, Lady R), taking R Shadow Position and hold, continue with 6 progressive Walks Forward as above.
When using Shadow Holds 2 or 3
count "4 1": Man could lead Lady to dance a spiral turn L when he has danced a Walk Forward on his LF (Lady RF fwd then make a complete turn to L on RF)
Continue with Progressive Walks Forward (Man starts RF, Lady LF)
Fan Position: Man leading lady to pass in front of him to his L side, Man turns 1/8 L, Lady 7/8 L. When using Shadow hold 1, change to L to R hand hold on step 5 of Fan.
Ending facing partner: omit 6th Forward Walk and both step to side, turning 1/4 to R, Lady to L to face partner.
Spiral Ending: Omit 6th Forward Walk and close LF to RF leading Lady into a spiral turn to L.
Lady turn 1/4 L on the 6th walk to end in front of Man to dance her spiral turn.
Continue with 4-6 Spiral - this is solo spiral for Lady when R Shadow Hold 1 is used.
Preceding Figures
Following Figures
Fan (4-6, Fan Finish; or 4-6, when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Basic Movements: Closed (4-6, when ending facing partner)
Hand To Hand LSP (when ending facing partner)
Aida (when ending facing partner; or when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Basic Movements: Open (4-6, when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Spot or Switch Turn to L (Lady to R) (when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Underarm Turn To R (when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Side Step To Left commenced with RF (when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Side Step To Right commenced with RF (when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Cuban Rocks RF (when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Closed Hip Twist (4-6, when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)
Syncopated Cuban Rocks RF (when Walks ending last step to side, facing partner)