
Jive Walks

Walks is a Bronze Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, movement, a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.

Start in Closed Position.


  • QQ: 1-2 of Fallaway Rock | 1/8 to L on 1, No turn on 2.

  • QaQ: LF diag fwd to chasse LRL. End in PP | no turn

  • QaQ: RF fwd and across in PP and CBMP to chassse RLR

    • just start twisting lady

  • S: LF diag fwd turning Lady to L

    • repeat a couple of times.

  • S: RF fwd and across in PP turning Lady to R

  • Q: LF diag fwd turning Lady to L

  • Q: RF fwd and across in PP turning Lady to R

  • Q: LF diag fwd turning Lady to L

  • Q: RF fwd and across in PP turning Lady to R


  • QQ: 1-2 of Fallaway Rock | 1/4 to R

    • turns all start at end of previous step.

  • QaQ: Side chasse RLR, end in PP | 1/4 to L over 3-4, start to turn R on 5

    • twisty motions

  • QaQ: Fwd chasse LRL, end in PP | 1/4 to R over 5-6, start to turn L on 8

    • at the end of 8, raise left arm straight up of side of left ear.

  • S: RF to side after turning 1/4 L on LF | start turning R at the end

    • start with straight up arm.

    • at end of the step when turning, arm elbow down forward with wrist at left side of face, hand behind neck.

  • S: LF fwd in PP after turn 1/4 R on RF | start turning L at the end

    • start with elbow forward (so lady won't hit th Man)

    • at end of step, raise L arm straight, gradually put it on top of Man's right shoulder over next 4 Q's.

  • Q: RF to side after turning 1/4 L on LF | start turning R at the end

    • arm slowing getting down to Man's R shoulder while twisting.

  • Q: LF fwd in PP after turning 1/4 R on RF | start turning L at the end

  • Q: RF to side after turning 1/4 L on LF | start turning R at the end

  • Q: LF fwd in PP after turning 1/4 R on RF

    • when to close or not depends on what follows next.


  • What's shown above is a version common taught in classes, followed by a triple step (QaQ) and whip.

  • Walks can start in PP.

  • Variations:

    • A more basic version ends at step 8, no more turns.

    • Man could use a "merengue" action in place of single Q's:

      • straighten R knee on second half of preceding step, making R hip to move back and to R

      • place LF diag fwd with part weight.

      • Lady closes RF to LF, having turned 1/4 L on second half of preceding step

      • the other foot is similar. when using this variation, it can be curved slightly L.

Preceding Figures

  1. Basic In Place

  2. Fallaway Rock

  3. Link

  4. Mooch

  5. Reverse Whip

  6. Whip

Following Figures

  1. Fallaway Throwaway (3-8)

  2. Change of Places Right to Left (3-8)

  3. Whip (Chasse diag fwd LRL, turning 3/8 to R to end LF side and slightly fwd facing Lady to follow with Whip (Lady chasse fwd making no turn))

  4. Whip Throwaway (Chasse diag fwd LRL, turning 3/8 to R to end LF side and slightly fwd facing Lady to follow with Whip (Lady chasse fwd making no turn))