New York

Cha Cha Cha New York

The Cha Cha New York is a Newcomer Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the different variation of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.


  • 2: LF fwd in LSP | 1/8 to R

    • This is New York to the Left Side Position.

    • Preceding step finish in Counter Open PP position, L to R hand hold.

    • End of preceding step on '&', turn 1/8 to R.

    • Increase tone in connecting arm and keep it with body when turning (over 1-5)

  • 3: Transfer weight to RF

    • Breakdown to "3&", on "&", frame starts turning to L to face partner

  • 4 & 1: LF to side to chasse LRL, End in Open PP | 3/8 to L over 3-5

    • Take required hold at end of depending. Here's it's continuing with New York to Right Side Position.

  • 2: RF fwd in RSP | 1/8 to L

    • See note in step #1.

  • 3: Transfer weight to LF

  • 4 & 1: RF to side, chasse RLR. End in Open CPP | 3/8 to R over 3-5

    • Take required hold


  • 2: RF fwd in LSP | 1/8 to L

    • This is New York to the Left Side Position (Lady on Man's Left).

    • End of preceding step on '&', collect body, connect with Man, tone in the connection, Man feels some resistance, after fully transferred weight, turn shoulder/body first, then swivel on LF, then strike RF fwd, immediately into check. (Do not use arm to help the turn. Use hip to turn.)

    • "2": Place RF forward, foot turned out, don't transfer spine more forward, 50-50% weight split (whenever followed by a check step, it's always split weight.) Hip turns 1/8 extra than feet, frame (upper body) turn as much as possible to L (isolated from hip)

    • Powerful look: squeeze R side, R hip up high, R shoulder slightly down (result of compressing R side), matching with Man. Do not break spine. everything rotating around spine. Left side opens and rotates to back more. Arm matching Man's.

    • "&": check step to change direction.

    • (Or, a different option: quick check action all happens on "2")

    • Arm should be on same plane as body. During the turn, arm line slowly going up, ideally ending with L hand behind head, arm 45 degrees up. Lady: break at wrist (think of showing off your ring), can do one wrist circle before ending pose. Hand at eye level.

  • 3: Transfer weight to LF

    • "3&", on "&", frame starts turning to face partner.

    • Make sure RF doesn't do rondes.

  • 4 & 1: RF to side to chasse RLR, End in Open PP | 3/8 to R over 3-5

  • 2: LF fwd in RSP | 1/8 to R

    • Continuing to New York to the Right Side Position.

  • 3: Transfer weight to RF

  • 4 & 1: LF to side, chasse LRL. End in Open CPP | 3/8 to L over 3-5

    • Take required hold


  • Check step: switching from forward movement to back.

    • Standard check: on "&", more difficult to do. Correct execution shows better control.

    • Syncopated check: immediately as stepping on "2".

  • Last step 5: can turn extra to end in RSP (or LSP) and continue with 4-9 of Three Cha Cha Chas fwd.

  • New York can also be danced from Three Cha Cha Chas fwd (in either LSP or RSP), in which case no turn on step 1 of New York.

  • When followed by Hand to Hand, the turning is at the end of "4&1&", sharp turn.

  • Syncopated New Yorker, e.g New York LSP (2&3&4&1) syncopated. Lady:

    • Keep tone in arms, fast, keep arm in middle and not moving around. Suck tummy.

    • Eye very focused on one spot (New Yorker), then immediately another spot (your partner), not wandering.

    • Lady keep LF planted, swivel LF but not moving LF anywhere else.

    • 2: 1/4 turn to L, LF fwd, New Yorker, Fast,

    • &: 1/4 turn to R, facing Man, weight on LF, L leg bent

    • 3: RF to side, squeeze R side, R hip high, weight still on LF. LH patty cake.

    • &: weight on LF

    • 4&: repeat New Yorker.

    • 1: weight on to RF, settle on R hip. Weight more forward, suck tummy. 2 hand hold.

Preceding Figures

  1. Advanced Hip Twist

  2. Aida

  3. Alemana

  4. Basic Movement In Place

  5. Closed Basic Movement

  6. Closed Hip Twist

  7. Cross Basic

  8. Cuban Break RF

  9. Curl

  10. Hand To Hand LSP

  11. Hip Twist Spiral

  12. Hockey Stick

  13. New York RSP

  14. Open Hip Twist

  15. Rope Spinning

  16. Shoulder To Shoulder Right Side

  17. Side Step To Right commenced with RF

  18. Spiral

  19. Split Cuban Break RF

  20. Spot or Switch Turn To L (Lady to R)

  21. Three Cha Cha Chas Forward

  22. Time Step RF

  23. Underarm Turn To R

Following Figures

  1. New York RSP (when ending in Open PP)

  2. Spot or Switch Turn To L (Lady to R) (when ending in Open PP)

  3. Cuban Break RF (when ending in Open PP; or when ending facing partner)

  4. Split Cuban Break RF (when ending in Open PP; or when ending facing partner)

  5. Closed Basic Movement (6-10 Closed Basic when New York ends facing partner)

  6. Open Basic Movement (6-10 Open Basic when New York ends facing partner)

  7. Underarm Turn To R (when ending facing partner)

  8. Hand To Hand LSP (when ending facing partner)

  9. Side Step To Left commenced with RF (when ending facing partner)

  10. Side Step To Right commenced with RF (when ending facing partner)

  11. Time Step RF (when ending facing partner)

  12. Fan (6-10 Fan, when ending facing partner)

  13. Closed Hip Twist (6-10 Closed Hip Twist, when ending facing partner)

  14. Three Cha Cha Chas Forward (4-9 Three Cha Cha Chas Fwd after turning 1/8 more between step 5 of New York and step 1 of next figure to end in RSP)