Tango Oversway
Tango Oversway is a Gold level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; steps diagram; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
Q: LF fwd in CBMP | DC | H | Almost 5/8 to L btwn 1-3 | CBM
Q: RF to side and slightly back | BLOD | BH
S: LF back and sideways | Down then along LOD, L toe pointing between wall and DW | IE of B
Heel lowers late.
S: Position held. L knee flexes | R toe pointing DW against LOD | H (LF) and IE of B of RF | Body turns more.
See Drop Overway below.
Q: RF back in CBMP | DC | BH | 5/8 to L btwn 1-3 | CBM
Prepare by flexing L hip. Curve out of Man's way.
Feel strong upward, leftward stretch for reverse turns.
Arms never feel going backward,
Q: L heel closes to R heel | L toe pointing down LOD | Whole Foot
S: RF fwd and sideways | Down then along LOD. Ending backing wall | BH
Dancing body and RF fwd through Man. It will end to the side.
Don't shape too early. Dancing center through Man's body as long as possible, follow Man's lead to create shape. Don't anticipate the shape.
Shape: left side of body (from foot to head) forms a line tilted to R. Head to R. R side to Man.
S: Position held. R knee flexes | L toe pointing DC against LOD | IE of B of LF | Body turns more.
No weight change, but there are sway and head changes.
Hip sway changes from L to R (ending R hip higher), head turns to closed. (Do not peel off from Man. Center to Man.)
Think about stretching the R side along a nice arc.
Allow elbows to stay fwd toward Man. Shape is created from bra point up. To create more shape, need to give more middle of body to Man (Do not just stick the hips to Man.)
See Drop Oversway below.
QQ transfer weight, ending in PP:
Man: Transfer weight to RF and place LF to side in PP without weight.
Lady: Transfer weight LF and place RF to side in PP w/o weight.
&S close feet, ending in PP
Man: Close RF to LF and place LF to side in PP w/o weight
Lady: Close LF to RF and place RF to side in PP w/o weight.
Q&QSQQ (or Q&QQQS) Chasse into Whisk, step fwd, ending in PP:
Q&Q: Chasse to R, RLR
S: cross LF behind RF in PP into Whisk
QQ: RF fwd and across in PP and CBMP, place LF to side in PP w/o weight
Q&Q: Chasse to L, LRL
S: cross RF behind LF in PP into Whisk
QQ: LF fwd and across in PP and CBMP, place RF to side in PP w/o weight
Q&QSQQ (or Q&QQQS) Chasse into Whisk, Promenade Link ending in closed position:
Q&Q: Chasse to R, RLR
S: cross LF behind RF in PP into Whisk
QQ: RF fwd and across in PP and CBMP, place LF to side in PP w/o weight, close Lady up.
Q&Q: Chasse to L, LRL
S: cross RF behind LF in PP into Whisk
QQ: LF fwd and across in PP and CBMP, turn to L to close up with Man, place RF to side in PP w/o weight
Q&QS&S Chase into Whisk, close feet then to PP
Q&Q: Chasse to R, RLR
S: cross LF behind RF in PP into Whisk
&S: close RF to LF and place LF to side in PP w/o weight
Q&Q: Chasse to L, LRL
S: cross RF behind LF in PP into Whisk
&S: close LF to RF and place RF to side in PP w/o weight
QQQQ Spin (RLR for Man, LRL for Lady), ending in PP
QQQ: Spin to R, RLR, up to a complete turn
Q: place LF to side in PP w/o weight
QQQ: Spin to R, LRL, up to a complete turn
Q: place RF to side in PP w/o weight
QQ (Spin to R, RL for Man, LR for Lady) + various Chasse endings (options 3, 4 5 above)
Drop Oversway
This is the advanced version of dancing Oversway.
QQS: Dance step 1-3, hold the position, keeping quite still, Man's body tilted slightly to L. Lady to R with her head to R
S: Keep feet in place. change abruptly to a R sway
Man: lowering into L knee; lowering R shoulder and turning head slightly to R.
Lady: lowering into R knee; lowering L shoulder and turning head slightly to L. Left side forward to Man and extend head to L.
Preceding Figures
Following Figures
Closed Promenade (after ending in PP - see notes in figure)
Open Promenade (after ending in PP - see notes in figure)
Natural Promenade Turn (after ending in PP - see notes in figure)
Promenade Link (after ending in PP - see notes in figure)
Back Open Promenade (after ending in PP - see notes in figure)
Fallaway Promenade (after ending in PP - see notes in figure)