Samba Shadow Roll
Samba Shadow Roll
7 8: Prepare to start the roll in shadow position. Ending weight on RF. Body shaped to R, L side is very stretched.
S: LF fwd, straight leg.
Pull belly button in to the back. Elongate spine. Keep upper body flat, parallel to floor as much as possible, lower back low, (feel like butt is sticking out), chest up feel stretched. Do not twist body left or right, or shape sides.
Head straight forward (do not tilt left), look upward. (Some prefers to look downward.)
During the first SQQ:
Body roll half a circle, starting from hip to L, shape to R, L side maximum stretch, then step LF fwd,
L arm forward, R arm finishing the circle ending straight backward forming diagonal line with L arm.
Q: RF side, turning L, straight R leg, 2 straight legs.
While starting to roll to L, really try to tilt head, which will block Man.
Q: LF crosses in front, bent knees
Butt still feels up,
S: RF very small step (almost in place, because Man is behind), push on RF, changing body shape, butt forward
Now both feet on on ball of feet (almost toes), feeling butt is very very forward and up, body back
S: LF side, small step
Q: RF closes next to LF.
body shaped to right, L hip to L. Very stretched.
One full circle over 2 measures.
Stretching the arms and body, trying to hit all corners and sides (all 8 points).
See also: Reverse Roll