Back Open Promenade
Tango Back Open Promenade
The Back Open Promenade is a Silver level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; steps diagram; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
S: LF to side in PP | Along LOD, pointing DW | H
Line up blocks of weight, slight flexed knee, additional flexing knee to move forward, moving weight across the feet.
Q; RF forward and across in PP and CBMP | Along LOD, pointing DW | H | 1/4 to R between 2-3 | CBM
Q: LF to side and slightly back | Backing DC | BH | 1/8 to R
Man rolling tummy area turning to side and slight back. Man create the turning in this figure.
S: RF back | BDC| BH | Body turns to L
Maintain consistent posture. Tail bone 90 degrees to floor.
S: RF to side in PP | Along LOD, pointing DC | H
Stay behind Man's R hip.
Q: LF forward and across in PP and CBMP | Along LOD, pointing DC | H
Step fwd, do not start rotating upper body to R yet. After this step, still in PP, upper body is twisted to left, R side to Man. At this time, shoulder is not turned to be parallel to hips.
Q: RF to side and slightly fwd | Pointing DC | BH
Head to the right. Not a heel lead. It's a calmer action.
S: LF fwd | DC | BH | Body turns to L
Head to the left. Not a heel lead.