Quickstep V6
The Quickstep V6 is a Silver Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; steps diagram; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
S: LF back | Backing DC | TH | CBM | start to rise e/o 1 | NFR
Q: RF back R side leading | Backing DC | T | continue to rise on 2 and 3
Q: LF crosses in front of RF | Backing DC | T
S: RF back | Backing DC | TH | Up. Lower e/o 4
S: LF back in CBMP | Backing DC | TH | start to rise e/o 5, NFR
Q: RF back | Backing DC | T | start to turn L | CBM | continue to rise on 6
Q: LF to side and slightly fwd | Point DW | TH | 1/4 between 6-7 Body turns less | Up. Lower e/o 8
S: RF fwd in CBMP, OP | Facing DW | H | CBM
Steps 9-12: continue with 2-5 of Forward Lock
S: RF fwd | Facing DC | HT | CBM | start to rise e/o 1
This is often the last step of previous figure.
Q: LF fwd L side leading | Facing DC | T | continue to rise on 2 and 3
Left side leading doesn't mean power comes from left side. It means left side is in front of the body.
Left side is picked up through diagonal. Right shoulder is connected down.
Keep right side moving through the Man, that's where power comes out of.
Q: RF crosses behind LF | Facing DC | T | -
S: LF fwd, preparing to step OP | Facing DC | TH | Up, Lower e/o 4
S: RF fwd in CBMP, OP | Facing DC | HT | Start to rise e/o 5
Q: LF fwd | Facing DC | T | start to turn L | CBM | Continue to rise on 6
Take head and spine to left foot to make the turn. Don't shape too eager/early which will pull the Man.
Q: RF to side and slightly back | Backing DW | TH | 1/4 between 6-7 Body turns less | Up. Lower e/o 7
Shape head to right on QQ (step 5 and 6) and return head to normal on last S.
RF needs to swivel to left to avoid hitting knee with Man on S
S: LF back in CBMP | Backing DW | T | CBM
Head returns to normal left.
Steps 9-12 continue with 2-5 of Back Lock
For side leading position: low center (hip, belly button area) is turned ~ 1/8 relative to feet, then upper body (sternum) is turned another 1/8.
Preceding Figures
Following Figures
Quick Open Reverse (after 6-8 of V6 overturned to LOD)
Four Quick Run (at corner, LF back with Lady OP, TH, S, into Four Quick Run)
Tipsy To L (into 2-5 Back Lock down LOD)
Six Quick Run (LF back with Lady OP, TH, S, into Six Quick Run)