Shoulder Spin
Jive Shoulder Spin
Shoulder Spin s a Gold Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, movement, a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
Start in Open Position, Right to Right hand hold.
QQ: 1,2 of Link LR
QaQ: Fwd chasse LRL | 1/8 to L over steps 3-5
Gradually raise R arm leading Lady towards R side. Circle R hand counterclockwise towards end of step 5.
QaQ: Compact chasse RLR. End in Open CPP | 1/4 to L over steps 6-8
Lower R arm across back at waist level
Q: LF back in Open CPP | No turn
Same position
Q: Replace weight to RF in Open CPP | No turn
Same position
QaQ: LF fwd every small step, to chasse in CPP LRL | No turn
Retain position, placing L hand on Lady's R shoulder. Towards end of step 13, increase tone in L arm and turn Lady L with pressure through L hand. Immediately release L hand contact to R to R hand hold.
QaQ: Compact chasse RLR. End in Open Position. | 1/8 to L over steps 14-16
Regain L to R or R to R hand hold at end of Lady's turn.
QQ: 1,2 of Link RL | No turn.
QaQ: Fwd chasse RLR to Man's R side, then turn underarm on RF | 1/8 to L over steps 3-5, then 3/8 to L on RF
QaQ: Side chasse LRL, end in Open CPP | 1/8 to L over steps 6-8
Q: RF back in Open CPP | No turn
Q: Replace weight to LF in Open CPP | No turn
QaQ: RF fwd, very small step, to chasse to CPP RLR, then turn on RF | No turn during steps 11-13, then 5/8 to R on RF
Step 13: Lady must take her weight well forward to lean against Man's hand on her shoulder.
QaQ: LF diag back to chasse LRL, to end LF back in Open Position. | 1/2 to R over steps 14-16.
Preceding Figures
Following Figures
Change of Places Left to Right (when Shoulder Spin ends with R to R hand hold; or when Shoulder Spin ends with L to R hand hold)
American Spin (when Shoulder Spin ends with R to R hand hold)
Rolling Off the Arm (when Shoulder Spin ends with R to R hand hold)
Miami Special (when Shoulder Spin ends with R to R hand hold)
Chugging (when Shoulder Spin ends with R to R hand hold)
Catapult (when Shoulder Spin ends with R to R hand hold)
Link (when Shoulder Spin ends with L to R hand hold)
Change of Hands Behind Back (when Shoulder Spin ends with L to R hand hold)
Hip Bump (when Shoulder Spin ends with L to R hand hold)
Stop and Go (when Shoulder Spin ends with L to R hand hold)