&1: back break in Closed Position
2: Lady turn 1/2 to face Man at end of previous step. RF to side, face Man. Ball Flat.
3: Lady LF crosses in the back. Ball
&: RF to side, Ball
1: LF crosses in front, Heel (one instructor's version), can repeat
make sure to turn the hip to R, and not just crossing LF in front with hip flat.
2: to finish, Lady turns to L 1/2 turn, RF to side, finish
3: LF back
&1: back break
Grapevine with Kick Variation:
&1: back break in Closed Position
2: Lady turn 1/2 to face Man at end of previous step. RF to side, face Man. Ball Flat.
3: Lady LF crosses in the back. Ball
&: RF to side, Ball. Kick variation starts
Man plants himself, stops, catches Lady and give a squeeze here, Lady can do "kick" variation after RF steps to side.
1&: LF kick on 1, LF to side on &
Changing traveling direction from the normal grapevine
2: RF crosses in front of LF. At end of 2, pivot on RF to face Man
3: LF back after pivoting on RF at end of previous step.
&1: back break