Cuban Breaks

Cha Cha Cha Cuban Breaks

Cha Cha Cuban Breaks is a Silver Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, and movement, technique; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.

Cuban Breaks may be danced at any time when in Closed or Open Position without hold, from Open PP, Open CPP, RSP and LSP positions. Commencing position and hold is according to preceding figure.

Left Foot Cuban Break (Lady or Man)

  • 2: LF fwd and across, toe turned out. Small step. | 1/8 to R

    • May be danced without turn. Keep hands in center.

    • Upper body lifted, light. Counter body movement with LF.

    • LF fwd check (L leg straight, R knee bent), flat foot, small step, L side compressed, L hip high. R shoulder opposition Compact, no big spine movement. R heel up.

  • &: Replace weight to RF

    • Ball Flat. weight on RF, RF heel down, whole foot. R leg straight. L heel up, L knee bent.

    • Ball of RF pretty much stays the same place, just doing heel up and heel down.

  • 3: LF to side | 1/8 to L

    • Inside edge of LF, Toe, Ball. (Some prefers not to turn LF to point, but to keep on ball of LF to push.)

    • Start stepping with bent L knee to side, do not do big step, just underneath shoulder, then straighten L leg, squeeze L side, L hip very up high, L heel up, leg line, R knees bent. Keep R heel down (or it can be slightly up). R knee can be slightly bent

    • Spine not moving to LF and then back. Spine stays.

    • Focus on hip and side crunch/compression for the high hip effect. Do not rotate L hip to L, do not turn out LF too much. Focus on squeezing side (side ways) to create high hip.

  • &: Replace weight to RF

    • Ball Flat. R heel down.

  • 4&1: Repeat 1-3

    • Same as step 1-3

    • Ball Flat/ Ball Flat / Ball Flat

    • 1: finish L hip, shoulder flat, prepping to go the other side. 2 legs are both straight.

Right Foot Cuban Break (Lady or Man)

  • 2: RF fwd and across, toe turned out. Small step. | 1/8 to L

    • Same technique.

  • &: Replace weight to LF

  • 3: RF to side | 1/8 to R

  • &: Replace weight to LF

  • 4&1: Repeat 1-3

    • Same as step 1-3


  • On Cuban Breaks, use the hips to counterbalance foot movements, to allow for faster, free movement.

  • Both Man and Lady would be stepping forward on Cuban Breaks, except one is doing RF Cuban Break, the other is doing LF Cuban Break.

  • Hands: don't wave around, keep it more or less stable, unaffected on the side.

Split Cuban Break (Lady or Man)

Split Cuban Breaks can be danced in place or normal Cuban Break and may be commenced with either foot in any of the positions given for Cuban Breaks.

  • 2 & 3: Dance 1-3 of LF Cuban Break LRL

    • Small side steps, body spine not moving much, keep under the body

    • 2: opposite shoulder forward

    • Finish with on 3 with two straight legs, settle hip, shoulder flat before changing direction.

  • 4 & 1: Dance 1-3 of RF Cuban Break RLR


  • Footwork: Ball flat on each step.

  • Variation: Dance from Open PP or Open CPP: turn, changing hands as in new York. Dance more turn if dancing the New York with quick timing and use only one step in place of the chasse.

Split Cuban Break with Guapacha Timing (Lady or Man)

With RF fwd Split Cuban Break:

  • Beat count "2&3 4&1

  • 2: hold, Guapacha timing part.

  • &: RF fwd, flat. LF heel up. Very fast.

  • 3: L heel down. R heel up.

  • 4&1: side chasse.

Variations when commenced facing partner without hold:

  • Amalgamation:

Variations when commenced in RSP or LSP:

  • Amalgamation:

    • Fan (234&1 234&1)

    • Hockey Stick ended in LSP (234&1 234&1)

    • Man: LF Cuban Break; Lady: RF Cuban Break (2&3&4&1)

    • Man: RF Cuban Break; Lady: LF Cuban Break (2&3&4&1)

    • New York LSP (No turn on 1) (234&1)

    • Spot Turn to L (Lady to R) (234&1)

  • Amalgamation:

    • Hand to Hand RSP (23)

    • Three Cha Cha Chas Fwd in RSP (4&1 2&3 4&1)

    • Split Cuban Break (Man: RF, Lady LF) (2&3 4&1)

    • New York RSP (No turn on 1) end facing partner (234&1)

Cuban Break LF - Preceding Figures

    1. Advanced Hip Twist

    2. Aida

    3. Alemana

    4. Basic Movement In Place

    5. Closed Basic Movement

    6. Closed Hip Twist

    7. Cross Basic

    8. Cuban Break RF

    9. Curl

    10. Follow My Leader

    11. Hand To Hand LSP

    12. Hip Twist Spiral

    13. Hockey Stick

    14. New York RSP

    15. Open Hip Twist

    16. Rope Spinning

    17. Shoulder To Shoulder Right Side

    18. Spiral

    19. Spot or Switch Turn To L (Lady to R)

    20. Time Step RF

    21. Turkish Towel

    22. Underarm Turn To R

Cuban Break LF - Following Figures

  1. Fan (into Fan step 6-10)

  2. Time Step RF

  3. Side Step To Right commenced with RF

  4. Side Step To Left commenced with RF

  5. Hand To Hand LSP

  6. Underarm Turn to L

  7. Spot or Switch Turn To L (Lady to R)

  8. New York RSP

  9. Closed Basic Movement (6-10 of Closed Basic)

  10. Cuban Break RF

Cuban Break RF - Preceding Figures

  1. Cuban Break LF

  2. Hand To Hand RSP

  3. New York LSP

  4. Shoulder To Shoulder Left Side

  5. Side Step To Left commenced with LF

  6. Side Step To Right commenced with RF

  7. Spot or Switch Turn To R (Lady to L)

  8. There And Back

  9. Time Step LF

  10. Underarm Turn to L

Cuban Break RF - Following Figures

  1. Follow My Leader

  2. Sweetheart

  3. Turkish Towel

  4. Chase

  5. Cross Basic

  6. Open Hip Twist

  7. Fan

  8. Time Step LF

  9. Side Step To Right commenced with LF

  10. Side Step To Left commenced with LF

  11. There And Back

  12. Hand To Hand RSP

  13. Closed Basic Movement

  14. Cuban Break LF

  15. Underarm Turn To R

  16. Spot or Switch Turn To R (Lady to L)

  17. New York LSP

Split Cuban Break RF - Preceding Figures

  1. Hand To Hand RSP

  2. New York LSP

  3. Shoulder To Shoulder Left Side

  4. Side Step To Left commenced with LF

  5. Side Step To Right commenced with RF

  6. Split Cuban Break LF

  7. Spot or Switch Turn To R (Lady to L)

  8. There And Back

  9. Time Step LF

  10. Underarm Turn to L

Split Cuban Break RF - Following Figures

  1. Fan (into Fan step 6-10)

  2. Time Step RF

  3. Side Step To Right commenced with RF

  4. Side Step To Left commenced with RF

  5. Hand To Hand LSP

  6. Closed Basic Movement (6-10 of Closed Basic)

  7. Split Cuban Break LF

  8. Underarm Turn to L

  9. Spot or Switch Turn To L (Lady to R)

  10. New York LSP

Split Cuban Break LF - Preceding Figures

  1. Advanced Hip Twist

  2. Aida

  3. Alemana

  4. Basic Movement In Place

  5. Closed Basic Movement

  6. Closed Hip Twist

  7. Cross Basic

  8. Curl

  9. Follow My Leader

  10. Hand To Hand LSP

  11. Hip Twist Spiral

  12. Hockey Stick

  13. New York RSP

  14. Open Hip Twist

  15. Rope Spinning

  16. Shoulder To Shoulder Right Side

  17. Spiral

  18. Split Cuban Break RF

  19. Spot or Switch Turn To L (Lady to R)

  20. Time Step RF

  21. Turkish Towel

  22. Underarm Turn To R

Split Cuban Break LF - Following Figures

  1. Follow My Leader

  2. Sweetheart

  3. Turkish Towel

  4. Chase

  5. Cross Basic

  6. Open Hip Twist

  7. Fan

  8. Time Step LF

  9. Side Step To Right commenced with LF

  10. Side Step To Left commenced with LF

  11. There And Back

  12. Hand To Hand RSP

  13. Closed Basic Movement

  14. Split Cuban Break RF

  15. Underarm Turn To R

  16. Spot or Switch Turn To R (Lady to L)

  17. New York RSP