Promenade and Counter Promenade Runs
Samba Promenade and Counter Promenade Runs
The Samba Promenade and Counter Promenade Runs is a Gold Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, and movement, technique; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
This figure starts in Closed Position. No Bounce.
1: RF to side | No turn | B
Weight change. Body incline: normal. Man may step fwd on this first step, then taking second step to side in PP.
2: Replace weight to LF in PP | 1/8 to L between steps 1 and 2 | BF
Weight change to achieve PP, widening hold. Body incline: normal.
3: RF fwd in Open PP and CMBP | Start to turn R | BF
Achieve Open PP releasing L to R hand hold. Extend L arm to side. Incline body to L
1: LF back and slightly to side | 3/8 to R between steps 3 and 4 | B
Achieve Closed Position and place L had on Lady's R shoulder blade. Maintain body inclination to L
2: RF to side in Open CPP | 3/8 to R between steps 4 and 5 | BF
Release contact with R hand and achieve Open CPP. Return body to normal position
3: LF fwd and across in Open CPP and CBMP | 1/8 to R between steps 5 and 6. Body turns less | BF
Maintain Open PP and extend R arm to side. Incline body to R.
1: RF fwd between partners feet | Body completes turn | B
Achieve Closed Position and place R hand on Lady's L shoulder blade. maintain body inclination to R.
2: LF to side in Open PP | 1/8 to R between steps 7 and 8 | BF
Achieve Open CPP. Return body to normal position.
3: RF fwd and across in Open PP and CBMP | No turn | BF
Maintain Open PP and extend L arm to side. Incline body to L.
Note: body inclination could be reversed as well. incline body to R on step 3, to L on step 6, and to R on step 9.
1: LF to side | No turn | B
Lady may step back on this step, taking second step to side in PP. Normal body position.
Collect center, really compress ab muscle (hip/butt back), spiral action on LF (with R leg crossed in front). Both heels are up.
2: Replace weight to RF in PP | 1/8 to R between steps 1 and 2 | BF
Body position: normal. RF to side, on to straight R leg, both legs straight, both heels up.
(Some coach: RF on soft knee, bent, body shifted onto RF, and then pivot on RF.)
Compress R side, R hip up, then rotate to go into next step. Really finish the hip.
Create enough space with Man (so to not feel cramped with partner), but step is not a big step.
3: LF fwd and across in Open PP and CBMP | 1/8 to R between steps 2 and 3. Body turns less. | BF
L leg starts with straight leg, LF fwd, really extend the leg, articulate the foot/leg, slide LF fwd even more, nice line. Left foot is turned out, but not excessively. Then finish L leg with bent knee forward.
Continue to rotate R hip to R (work the hip), keep R hip up, swivel RF,, as in Boto fogo position with L leg bent in front, R leg back straight (check leg line), R hip high, compress R side, finish RF turned out. Do maximum opposition rotation. Hip keeps doing figure 8 continuously throughout.
Body up right, body weight is forward, but body is not not leaning forward, K position. But shoulder is not flat, shoulder opened to R, L chest fwd.
Do not go down into the knee too much. Knee is just slightly bent. Focus on going forward.
Don't sit and stop at this position. Hip continues to move diagonally fwd (finish hip circle fwd rotation) . Knees forward, not down. Weight into the knee. Use butt muscle, back leg push forward to "flatten the hip crease" . Hip keeps moving, does not stop.
Incline body to R. Lady extends free arm to side (more inline with body, slightly forward, but not too much in front) to match Man's arm position.
At this time, Man is a bit in front of Lady.
1: RF fwd (straight leg) between partner's feet | Body completes turn | B
Maintain inclination to R. Lady place right hand lightly on Man's left shoulder on this step 4
Botofogo action for hips, L hip rotate, prep R leg fwd, straight leg, Lady's RF steps small step in between partner's feet (as Man is cross in front). heel is up.
Continue working R hip in figure 8 motion.
2: LF to side in Open CPP | 1/8 to R between steps 4 and 5 | BF
Return body to normal position.
Lady has a slight turn to R to almost face partner. Dancing L side strongly, LF to side (bigger step, prepare to go around Man later), work L side (compress) and L hip (rotate to left).
Body weight go with L leg, don't leave body weight back on RF.
2 straight legs. 2 heels up.
(Some coach prefer soft bent L knee and pivot.)
3: RF fwd in Open PP and CBMP | Start to turn R | BF
Incline body to L. Lady extends free arm to side to match Man's arm position.
RF step in the slight diagonal direction to Man's R side.
Finish in Botofogo position with R leg bent in front, L hip high, L leg back., straight. Lady should be in front of Man.
(Same technique in step 3 above). Don't sit and stop at this position. Hip continues to move diagonally fwd.
1: LF back and slightly to side | 3/8 to R between previous count 3 and this count 1 | B
Maintain inclination to L. lady puts left hand lightly on Man's right shoulder
More turn on this step. Does not need to be big step fwd. Just need to cross his line and step around Man (go to the other side). Spiral on LF, collect center, butt back. Give arms to partner, shoulders down, invite.
3 actions in 1 step: step, rotate/spiral, collect center in/invite.
2: RF to side in Open PP | 3/8 to R between steps 7 and 8 | BF
Return body to Normal position. Same as step 2. repeat.
3: LF fwd and across in Open PP and CBMP | No turn | BF
Incline body to R. Lady extends free arm to side to match Man's arm position.
Shaping direction: into the connecting arms with partner on count 1.
Movement, hip movement continuous, but not faster.
Preceding Figures
Following Figures
Whisk To Left (turn to face partner on 1 of Whisk)
Three Step Turn (Turn to R, Lady to L, then follow with Whisk to L)
Rhythm Bounce (Man LF, Lady RF)
Traveling Volta to Left (start with step 2)