Paso Doble

ISTD International Latin - Paso Doble Syllabus


  1. Sur Place

  2. Basic Movement

  3. Chasses to Right or Left (including Elevations)

  4. Drag

  5. Deplacement (also Attack)

  6. Promenade Link (also Promenade Close)

  7. Promenade

  8. Ecart (Fallaway Whisk)

  9. Separation

  10. Separation with Lady's Caping Walk


  1. Fallaway Ending to Separation

  2. Huit

  3. Sixteen

  4. Promenade and Counter Promenade

  5. Grand Circle

  6. Open Telemark


  1. La Passe

  2. Banderillas

  3. Twist Turn

  4. Fallaway Reverse Turn

  5. Coup de Pique

  6. Left Foot Variation

  7. Spanish Lines

  8. Flamenco Taps


  1. Syncopated Separation

  2. Travelling Spins from PP

  3. Travelling Spins from CPP

  4. Fregolina (also Farol)

  5. Twists

  6. Chasse Cape (including Outside Turn)