Hover Cross

Foxtrot Hover Cross

The Hover Cross is a Silver Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; steps diagram; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.


  1. S: RF fwd | Facing DW | HT | start to turn R | Sway(S) | CBM | rise e/o 1

    • Use CBM sending Lady to inside of turn. Stretch through diagonal. Rise to lead Lady heel turn

  2. Q: LF to side | Backing DC | T | 1/4 between 1-2 | Sway(R ) | Up

    • Really a forward step, then transfer weight and then turn.

  3. Q: RF to side | Pointing DW of new LOD | T | 1/2 between 2-3. Body turns less | Sway(S) | Up

    • Dissolve sway and changing sway direction

    • Base (feet) swivel more than body. (3 different alignment points)

    • Allow body to slide to the other side.

    • Contact point is light, brushing past partner.

  4. Q: LF fwd in CBMP, OP, on L side | Facing DW of new LOD | T | slight body turn to R | Sway(L) | Up

  5. Q: Transfer weight back to RF in CBMP | Backing DC against LOD | T | start to turn L | Sway(S) | CBM | Up

  6. Q : LF to side and slightly fwd | Pointing DC | T | 1/4 turn between 5-6. Body turns less | Sway(R) | Up

    • Body slides back to basic position.

  7. Q: RF fwd in CBMP, OP | Facing DC | TH | -- | Sway(R) | Up. Lower e/o 7

  8. S: LF fwd | Facing DC | H | Sway(S) | CBM

Note -- A slight lowering may be used on step 4, but the L heel should not touch the floor. Do not allow body to overturn on 4.


  1. S: LF back | Backing DW | TH | start to turn R | Sway(S) | CBM | rise slightly e/o 1, NFR

  2. Q: RF closes to LF (Heel Turn) | Facing LOD | HT | 3/8 between 1-2 | Sway(L) | continue to rise on 2

    • Do not lock the knees, keep knees soft, compressed.

    • Multiple Q's, keep flat, don't rise

  3. Q: LF to side | Backing new LOD | T | 1/4 between 2-3 | Sway(S) | Up

    • Think about taking the step fwd (not side).

    • Keep body light, think about "up and over" Man's arm.

    • Keep own internal balance. Flat.

  4. Q: RF back in CBMP | Backing DW of new LOD | T | 1/8 between 3-4. Body turns less | Sway(R) | Up

    • Let hip turn to R. Rise on L side/hip. Shoulder and head really doesn't change position.

    • Lady keeps her head to left (when first learning this figure), stretch left side. Alternatively, Lady can shape head to right. Slightly lift left side.

    • Shaping head to R goes with the sway, end of previous step 3. Make head movement really smooth, do not get to shaping right too fast

    • Keep head to right on steps 4-5, extend upper body even more on step 4, then return to normal starting end of step 5 (Q), then step 6 (Q).

    • It's all lower body. Do not turn shoulder, do not pull shoulder away from Man.

    • Lady slides from Man's R side to his L side. It's L side to L side connection with partner.

  5. Q : Transfer weight fwd to LF in CBMP, OP, on Man's L side | Facing DC against LOD | T | start to turn L | Sway(S) | CBM | Up. NFR. Lower e/o 5

    • Keep head to R

    • Isolate body, turn purely in feet underneath body. Allow arms to stay as still as possible.

  6. Q: RF to side | Backing LOD | TH | 1/8 between 5-6 | Sway(L) | --

    • Lady slide back to Man's R side.

    • Head returns to normal position.

  7. Q: LF back in CBMP | Backing DC | TH | 1/8 between 6-7. Body turns less | Sway(L)

  8. S: RF back | Backing DC | T | -- | Sway(S) | CBM

Preceding Figures

  1. Closed Telemark

  2. Three Step

Following Figures

  1. Reverse Turn

  2. Closed Telemark

  3. Open Telemark and Feather Ending

  4. Open Telemark, Natural Turn, Outside Swivel and Feather Ending

  5. Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot

  6. Reverse Wave

  7. Bounce Fallaway with Weave Ending