Fallaway Throwaway
Jive Fallaway Throwaway
The Fallaway Throwaway is a Newcomer Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, movement, a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
Start in Closed Position.
Q: LF back in Fallaway | 1/8 to L
Start turn at end of previous step
Q: Replace weight to RF in PP
QaQ: LF diag fwd to chasse LRL. End in Closed Position
incline body slightly L, return L hand to normal position
QaQ: Fwd chasse RLR. End in Open Position | 1/8 to L btwn 5-6
Turn starts at end of previous step.
On first Q, lead lady back with R hand, then release R hand hold.
On aQ, extend L arm fwd to normal open position.
Q: RF back in Fallaway | 1/4 to R
start turn at end of previous step.
Could make no turn, or 1/8 R.
Q: Replace weight to LF in PP
QaQ: RF to side to chasse RLR to end RF side and slightly back in closed position | 3/8 L over 2-5
On 5: incline body slightly R, return body to normal on 6.
QaQ: Backward chasse LRL end in open position.
Fallaway Throwaway may start in PP, making no turn on 1.
Overturned Fallaway Throwaway (Silver & Gold)
Start in Closed Position.
Q: LF back in Fallaway | 1/8 to L
Start turn at end of previous step. Turn Lady to R
Q: Replace weight to RF in PP | continue to turn L
Turn Lady to L
QaQ: Fwd to chasse LRL. End in Closed Position | 1/8 to L btwn 2-3
Lead Lady fwd. On 5, body slightly L and return L hand to normal position.
QaQ: RF diagonally fwd to chasse RLR, end RF fwd in Open Position. | 1/8 to L btwn 5-6
Lead spiral turn.
Q: RF back in Fallaway | 1/4 to R
start turn at end of previous step.
Q: Replace weight to LF in PP | 1/8 to L
QaQ: 3 small runs fwd passing in front of Man's body, then turn at the very end. | No turn over 3-5
Then 3/8 to L. Then another 3/8 to L
During 3 small runs, Lady's L arm go up, then down like windmill, end on waist.
Man leads to signal continuous turn. Lady does spiral turn, foot wrapped.
QaQ: 3 small runs fwd. At the very end, turn to R to face Man, point RF
LH at waist.
Gold Variation
On step 5:
Man lowers L arm a little more and turns Lady strongly L by rotating his hand to R from wrist until palm is turned outwards, give Lady's R arm a gentle twist.
Lady continues to turn an additional 1/2 on RF, allowing LF to cross loosely in front of RF (Spiral action) in Tandem Position in front of Man.
On steps 6-8:
Lady may dance a forward lock or 3 small runs forward.
at end of 8, Man turns Lady to R to face him by rotating hand slightly L from wrist.
Lady turns 1/2 R on LF to end in Open position with LF back.
Follow with Chicken Walks, Simple Spin from Open Position or other figures started in open position.
Lady normally does a flick (or point) ball change replacing 1-2 of Link.