Closed Promenade
Tango Closed Promenade
Closed Promenade is a Newcomer Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; steps diagram; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
S: LF to side in PP | Along LOD, pointing DW | H
Man's first step needs to be side, not forward, i.e., he does not turn his left foot out to point the direction he is stepping.
Communicate with lady, flexing knee to start shifting weight (don't tilt body though), moving across the feet.
Q: RF forward and across in PP and CBMP | Along LOD, pointing DW | H
Be in sync with lady, straighter knee first before putting foot down.
Q: LF to side and slightly fwd | Pointing DW | IE of foot
S : RF closes to LF slightly back | Facing DW | Whole foot
Should really close the foot, R foot even with arch of L foot.
If feet don't close, Man's R leg will be in Lady's way.
Rotate right hip to close the lady up.
S: RF to side in PP | Along LOD, pointing DC | H
Timing is "hold on 1, step on 2": R knee moving forward, body weight shifting with hips. When foot can't hold anymore, lift and strike and place RF out strong. (inside edge of heel, then flat, roll onto it.)
Going out strong, not just holding the head position. Head and chest do not move forward at same time/speed. For the Tango look, it feels like chest is leading strong, moving forward first before foot and rest of body moves.
Do not fall forward with shoulders and upper body.
The feeling is that Lady is dancing at Man's right edge. Upper body is very much behind Man's hip.
Stay connected with Man, keep R side fwd rotated to Man.
RF Toe in line with LF. "side" step is like a forward step. Move "with" the Man.
Q: LF forward and across in PP and CBMP | Along LOD, pointing DC | H | CBM
Keep L hip "behind" Man's hip. Do not move head. In sync with Man's leg movement, track behind his R leg.
Lift LF, straighten knee (same time with Man), and then place LF (outside edge, roll onto it).
Really stretch the R side of body forward, body is quite twisted.
Q: RF to side and slightly back | Backing DW | IE of BH | 1/4 turn to L between 2-3
Timing: sense Man's R hip turns, then turn and step RF, do not turn early. Do not step RF too big a step.
RF turned in. Two feet are in funny position now: RF BDW, LF DC. "pigeon toe'ed" position is mid point (can rock for practice). roll onto RF. Follow Man's R leg.
This is partial weight transfer to RF. R hip should be higher. RF and center of gravity should not go too far pass. Do not overshoot weight. Body would be slanted to L do not put too much weight on RF, it would become too heavy.
Head sharp flip to L, keep the volume between 2 heads, extended right away (do not close with Man and then extend in 2 steps). It's very easy to get in front of Man during transition of steps. Be very aware to continue to stretch L during the steps. Head motion is generally in sync with hip movement.
Keep frame solid: don't lose R arm, R arm fwd to Man with tone, it doesn't go back, or becomes "loose". keep R elbow out, not down.
This is the sharp, accent step. (compared to next step "LF closes to RF" is softer and smoother)
S: LF closes to RF slightly fwd | Backing DW | Whole foot
Do not slide foot. Left foot roll off and end on ball of front of LF, then lift and place LF close to RF (could have a very small gap), slightly forward.
Softer and smoother step, not the sharp accent.
Back to starting foot position.
Man may turn square to the lady in step 3, to end backing DC. Footwork for man would then be IE BH and for the lady IE of foot.
Preceding Figures
Following Figures
Walk (LF)
Open Reverse Turn, Lady Outside (when preceding figure ended DC)
Open Reverse Turn, Lady In Line (when preceding figure ended DC)
Progressive Side Step Reverse Turn (when preceding figure ended DC)
Reverse Outside Swivel (when preceding figure ended DC)
Basic Reverse Turn (when preceding figure ended DC)
Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot (when preceding figure ended DC; or normal)