Promenade Link
Tango Promenade Link
The Promenade Link is a Silver level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; steps diagram; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
Promenade Link starts in Promenade Position and ends in Closed Position. It can be danced in different alignments:
Start with Man pointing DW, Lady pointing DC in Promende Position, moving along LOD. Footwork show in chart below.
Start with Man facing DW and moving along LOD. Man makes no turn, Lady turns 1/4 to L.
Start with Man facing LOD and moving DC. Lady is moving DC, pointing to center. (Reverse Promenade Link) Man turns 1/8 to L between 1-2. Lady turns 3/8 to L between 2-3. Follow with a Reverse figure.
When this alignment is used the RF will point DC on the 2nd step. Feet and body face DC on 3. When the Promenade Link is turned to the L, it is known as the Reverse Promenade Link.
When this alignment is used, Lady's alignment will be "moving DC, pointing to center" on steps 1 and 2. She will turn back DC between 2-3.
S: LF to side in PP | Along LOD, pointing DW | H
Block of weight lined up, very vertical, don't lean back. Flex through the legs, moving across the foot, shifting weight, to signal Lady to move off promenade position.
Q: RF forward and across in PP and CBMP | Along LOD, pointing DW | HB (foot flat) | CBM
At the end of the step, entire right side will rotate from right to left, elbow points move with the unwinding of the base, to give the lead to rotate the Lady.
Q: LF place to side small step without weight | Facing Wall | IE of B | 1/8 to R
S: RF to side in PP | Along LOD, pointing DC | H
In Promenade position: keep head really back. L arm still stretch out to L; while keep R side very much to Man. R elbow out and flat. Do not twist wrist inward.
This 1st step should be very powerful. Strong movement. Hold and move spine/body forward (1st half of S) till you can't hold anymore, strike RF out on 2nd half of S, Use left butt muscle push fwd. L leg follows R leg (don't try to keep LF behind).
Make sure to have blocks of weight lined up, keep head back and not fall forward, leaving hips behind when striking RF out.
Advanced: upper body extend to R a bit (a little softness, small rotation to R - if Man leads/allows it) before striking RF side/fwd.
Q: LF forward and across in PP and CBMP | Along LOD, pointing DC | HB (Foot flat) | CBM
Lady's left leg should be right behind Man's right leg, not parallel, always step behind the Man's hip. Otherwise, after turning to close to Man, left leg will not be in the right position.
The blocks weight should line up, pick up right side of the back, do not be too eager to move upper body.
Keep tone in R arm, don't loosen up,
Man lets Lady keep going forward with power. Lady rotate upper body to L. body twisted. At the end of the step, swivel on LF to go to closed position with Man. Listen to lead, flex down into the leg and allow it to turn. Make next turn sharp with head.
Because the figure starts in PP and end in Closed position, the hips will feel like turning more.
Easy to lose the volume and posture. Maintain good posture.
Q: RF place to side small step without weight | Backing Wall | IE of B | 1/8 to L
(Turn happens at the end of previous beat.)
Do not allow head to move to right. Bring head immediately back to left.
Swivel on LF more to close up with Man (need to swivel enough), bend knees, R thigh touches Man's R thigh. Keep low stance. R side to Man.
Make sure to track RF under LF and placing directly to side (w/o weight) after the lady turns her hips. Avoid swinging R leg outside in a sort of ronde. Don't leave R leg behind.
Preceding Figures
Following Figures
Walk (LF)
Open Reverse Turn, Lady Outside (when preceding figure ended DC)
Open Reverse Turn, Lady In Line (when preceding figure ended DC)
Progressive Side Step Reverse Turn (when preceding figure ended DC)
Reverse Outside Swivel (when preceding figure ended DC)
Basic Reverse Turn (when preceding figure ended DC)
Fallaway Reverse and Slip Pivot (when preceding figure ended DC; or normal)