Corta Jaca

Samba Corta Jaca

The Samba Corta Jaca is Bronze Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, and movement, technique; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.


Start in Closed Position, facing Wall. No bounce.

May start facing DW. Turn 1/8 R over steps 1-3.

The effect of this figure is swinging middle of body forward and back. The sliding of the other foot is the effect of swinging hips. (cause & effect, do not step the foot on its own.)

  • S: RF fwd, strong step | No turn | HF

  • Q: LF fwd and slightly to side | -- | H

    • toe is not lowered

    • Step 2-7: Man's R leg remain slightly flexed. Man's L leg swings freely from the hip. Movement is mainly felt from the knee.

  • Q: Slide RF leftwards | -- | F (Pressure on ball of foot)

  • Q: LF back and slightly to side | -- | B

  • Q: Slide RF leftwards | -- | F (Pressure on ball of foot)

  • Q: LF fwd and slightly to side | -- | H

    • toe is not lowered

  • Q: Slide RF leftwards | -- | F (Pressure on ball of foot)

    • step 4-7 may be repeated.


  • S: LF back | No turn | BF

    • Shoulder is contra body, stay active, but not going up and down too much.

    • Take center in, LF back

  • Q: RF back and slightly to side | -- | B

    • Step 2-7: Lady's L leg remain slightly flexed, Lady's R leg swings freely from the hip.

    • Movement is mainly felt from the knee.

    • R leg straight pulled back

  • Q: Slide LF rightwards | -- | F (Pressure on ball of foot)

    • Slide the whole foot.

  • Q: RF fwd and slightly to side | -- | H

    • Some prefers to do a little RF flick back before stepping RF fwd with heel

    • Toe is not lowered, tail bone up, keep upper thigh tight together.

    • Hip is really forward. Hip crease is flat.

  • Q: Slide LF rightwards | -- | F (Pressure on ball of foot)

  • Q: RF back and slightly to side | -- | B

  • Q: Slide LF rightwards | -- | F (Pressure on ball of foot)

    • The way to know that Man is finishing this figure is the rise and starting of bounce action again.

    • step 4-7 may be repeated.


  • Keep shoulders quiet.

  • Silver & Gold:

    • After step 7: Man may dance 1-7 of Lady's steps. Lady dance Man's. Follow with Natural Basic Movement or Whisk to R.

    • May turn up to 3/4 to R. Follow with any figure commenced with RF.

Preceding Figures

  1. Argentine Crosses

  2. Closed Rocks

  3. Criss Cross Bota Fogos (Shadow Bota Fogos)

  4. Maypole

  5. Natural Basic Movement

  6. Natural Roll

  7. Progressive Basic Movement

  8. Reverse Basic Movement

  9. Samba Walk: Stationary

  10. Side Basic Movement

  11. Whisk To Left

Following Figures

  1. Whisk To Left

  2. Natural Basic Movement (4-6)

  3. Solo Spot Volta to Left (Lady to Right)

  4. Natural Roll (4-6)