Three Step

Foxtrot Three Step

This is a Newcomer figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; steps diagram; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.


  1. S: LF fwd | LOD | H

    • Footwork: two heel lead steps, do not rise on top of toe on this step, keep flat.

  2. Q: RF fwd | LOD | HT | | Sway(L) | rise e/o 1

    • Previous "S" is a Heel step (not HT) - do not rise.

    • slight R side lead (to bring lady back inline after a feather finish)

    • Slight left side lead

  3. Q: LF fwd | LOD | TH | Sway(L) | up, lower e/o 2

    • Slight left side lead

  4. S: RF fwd | LOD | H | Sway(S) | CBM | --


(Three Step starts with a S, which is listed as last count of preceding step.)

  1. S: RF back | BLOD | TH

    • Straight back, no CBM, don't curve to R either. This step has no direction change, it's moving down same one direction. Do not get into Man's space.

    • The driving effort is in the first part of the step. Timing of the effort is important to make the step look smooth and together with partner.

    • At end of the count, lower into the R knee, extend L leg straight back, use RF to really push which will make LF slide back even further for bigger step.

    • Throughout the Three Step, both knees are kept flexed, they don't straighten. Do not pop up. Stay flat.

  2. Q: LF back | BLOD | TH | Sway(R) | rise e/o 1, NFR

    • Make sure feet are on two tracks, leave room for Man to step in between legs.

    • Swing L hip, L side back, LF step back (do not step to side, do not turn out LF), think more about extending/straightening left leg which will give Man more room. (Do not allow head to swing to R side of spine. Keep head on left of spine.)

    • Roll onto LF (with flexed knee). Slight L side lead, toe release. Do not rise up, keep flat with flexed L knee. When doing side lead and rotating to L, it's easy to get into Man's space. Can slide frame a little bit, focus on long stride. Keep very very left.

    • Move weight and roll onto LF, while keeping body forward to Man.

    • Head: could stretch L even more; OR, turn and shape to R, but do not get into Man's space.

    • Left shoulder/elbow continue to go back and stretch left side, don't stop. It feels like L shoulder is up. It should feel left ear doesn't change position, but because of left side is stretching, the distance between left ear and left shoulder decreases.

    • The feeling is chest/left rib cage is more forward to Man, while head and shoulder are extending away (opposition) more, while L knee is bent (soft knee, do not straighten), moving through and extending R leg back.

    • Do not rush through QQ. take the time, keep connected with Man (could be hip connection), continuous smooth movement. Man gives more on this Q, Lady extends more to L.

    • Keep L hip open through the steps. Do not close/square it up.

    • Really need to get onto LF, shoulder inline with hip, not just sending L hip back and body becomes displaced.

    • It's easy to loose contact in middle during when stepping back. Though movement is going back, the middle/chest should still be very forward to Man.

    • Effort is in the first step, not on this Q step. This step is releasing the energy built from 1st step.

    • This is the peak of the rotation, do not over rotate on next step.

  3. Q: RF back | BLOD | TH | Sway(R) | up, NFR, lower e/o 2

    • Use abdominal muscle to draw RF back. Do not fall back, do not allow shoulder to go back. Keep blocks of weight.

    • Lower into LF with control, RF big step, no stopping, keep continuous movement, do not step on RF and exit too fast, make stepping slow and continuous. Keep the R hip connection with Man so the leg doesn't move too fast back. Keep contact is very key and still stretch L side and extend head to L. Slow down the movement.

    • No CBM here, straight back. toe release. Keep L shoulder up.

    • Do no over rotate, coast the step.

    • Head pretty much stays where it is from previous step, (do make sure to keep stretching head) and not move into Man's space.

  4. S: LF back | BLOD | T | Sway(S) | CBM | --


    • Three step can be danced DW, in which case it could end DW or curved to L to end facing LOD.

    • CBM happens gradually across the three steps, so the frame wound to the left by the end of the figure.

    • Even when moving backward, Lady's body (R rib cage, center, left side as well) is always forward to Man.

Preceding Figures

  1. Basic Weave

  2. Bounce Fallaway with Weave Ending

  3. Closed Impetus and Feather Finish

  4. Feather Step

  5. Hover Feather

  6. Natural Hover Telemark

  7. Natural Telemark

  8. Natural Twist Turn

  9. Natural Weave

  10. Natural Zig-Zag from PP

  11. Open Telemark and Feather Ending

  12. Open Telemark, Natural Turn, Outside Swivel and Feather Ending

  13. Reverse Turn

  14. Top Spin

  15. Weave from PP

Following Figures

  1. Natural Turn

  2. Natural Weave

  3. Natural Telemark

  4. Hover Cross

  5. Natural Twist Turn

  6. Curved Feather to Back Feather

  7. Natural Hover Telemark