Three Cha Cha Chas
Three Cha Cha Chas (Lock Step)
The Three Cha Cha Chas a Newcomer Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the different variation of the dance steps, including timing, hand hold; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
9 Steps. Timing is: 4&1, 2&3, 4&1
Normal Hold
L to R hand hold
Low double hand hold
Alternating Pat-A-Cake hold
No hold
Position: can be danced in either Closed Position or Open Position
When Leader is doing Three Cha Cha Chas Forward, Follower is doing Three Cha Cha Chas Back.
2: RF back
3: LF replace
At end of "3": twist
4: RF latin cross in front LF
Side lead, start Three Cha Cha Chas Forward
&: LF locks behind RF
LF knee to the spot. Then, release R knee, L knee straight, step RF into next step.
1: RF steps directly under R shoulder, on center line
2 separate tracks; at the end, twist to R, side lead
Pat-A-Cake hand change: Man direct plane movement, rotate palm.
2 & 3: LF Latin Cross; RF lock, LF forward
Track LF before stepping LF into Latin Cross position
4 & 1: RF Latin Cross; LF lock, RF forward
Continue with Three Cha Cha Chas Back (see Lady's steps).
2: LF forward check
3: RF replace
4: LF tracking through, step into Latin Cross behind RF
Side lead. start Three Cha Cha Chas Back
Imagine to have sternum face partner, open up half of chest and turn it to the side (this is the same as in New York).
Arm: make it more snappy, diagonal back, high.
&: RF slide back
1: LF back on central line again, 2 tracks
Styling option: At the end, finish arm, wrapping LH behind head before coming down (pat-a-cake) switch hand with Man.
2 & 3: RF Latin Cross back; LF lock in front; RF back
4 & 1: LF Latin Cross back; RF lock in front; LF back
Variation: Lady's Overturned Lockstep
Hand hold: Man's LH to Lady's RH
2: LF forward check
3: RF replace | Spiral to L
At the end "&", Man left side back, side is attached to his elbow, over turn lady to her L, Lady's LF in spiral position.
Lady's upper R arm should still be connected to the side of her body, don't over rotate. turns 90, not 180.
4: LF forward
Cha Cha Forward lock
Styling: arm extend to side on the plane; or keep arm on hip all the time.
&: RF locks behind LF
1: LF forward | Turn to R
At the end "&": turn to R to face partner again, prepare to step RF back to do back lock.
2 & 3: RF Latin Cross back; LF lock in front; RF back | Spiral to L
Back lock, then spiral to L, overturn, at the end of "3&"
4 & 1: LF forward, RF locks behind, LF forward
Repeat forward lock.
At the every end, turn to R to face partner again.
Variation: Three Cha Cha Chas Back (for Man)
Man: 3 backward Locks starting with LF.
Lady: 3 forward Locks starting RF
Variation: Three Cha Cha Chas Forward (for Man)
Man: 3 forward Locks starting with RF.
when changing foot, turn the ribs (do not swing legs)
Lady: 3 backward Locks starting LF
Variation: Three Cha Cha Chas Forward In Right Side Position (RSP)
Preceding step: Step 1, 2 of Hand to Hand to RSP.
Man: 3 forward Locks starting with LF.
Lady: 3 forward Locks starting RF
Last 3 steps can be danced as a side chasse, after turning to face partner.
Variation: Three Cha Cha Chas Forward In Left Side Position (LSP)
Preceding step: Step 1, 2 of Hand to Hand to LSP.
Man: 3 forward Locks starting with RF.
Lady: 3 forward Locks starting LF
Last 3 steps can be danced as a side chasse, after turning to face partner.
1. Three Cha Cha Chas Back 4&1 2&3 4&1 LF
Three Cha Cha Chas Back - Preceding Figures
Three Cha Cha Chas Back - Following Figures
Closed Basic Movement (6-10; or 6-7, then into Three Chas Cha Chas Forward)
Open Basic Movement (6-10; or 6-7, then into Three Chas Cha Chas Forward)
Fan (6-10)
Alemana (6-10)
Natural Top (Man last step LF side turning slightly R, Lady RF fwd)
Three Cha Cha Chas Forward - Preceding Figures
Three Cha Cha Chas Forward - Following Figures
Cross Basic (Three ChaChas Fwd in LSP, man starting on RF ending facing partner)
Aida (Three ChaChas Fwd in RSP, man starting on LF ending facing partner)
Side Step To Right commenced with RF (Three ChaChas Fwd in RSP, man starting on LF ending facing partner)
Side Step To Right commenced with LF (Three ChaChas Fwd in LSP, man starting on RF ending facing partner)
Side Step To Left commenced with RF (Three ChaChas Fwd in RSP, man starting on LF ending facing partner)
Side Step To Left commenced with LF (Three ChaChas Fwd in LSP, man starting on RF ending facing partner)
There And Back (Three ChaChas Fwd in LSP, man starting on RF ending facing partner)
Hand To Hand RSP (Three ChaChas Fwd in LSP, man starting on RF ending facing partner)
Hand To Hand LSP (Three ChaChas Fwd in RSP, man starting on LF ending facing partner)
Chase (when Three Cha Cha Chas are danced in Open Position)
Follow My Leader (when Three Cha Cha Chas are danced in Open Position)
New York RSP (when danced in RSP, last three steps may be danced as a side chasse after Man and Lady turn to face partner and end in Closed Position)
Spot or Switch Turn To L (Lady to R) (when danced in RSP, last three steps may be danced as a side chasse after Man and Lady turn to face partner and end in Closed Position)
New York LSP (when danced in LSP, last three steps may be danced as a side chasse after Man and Lady turn to face partner and end in Closed Position)
Spot or Switch Turn To R (Lady to L) (when danced in LSP, last three steps may be danced as a side chasse after Man and Lady turn to face partner and end in Closed Position)