Shadow Circular Volta

Samba Shadow Circular Volta

The Samba Shadow Circular Volta is a Silver Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, and movement, technique; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.

Shadow Circular Volta is danced in R shadow position, Man and Lady using the same foot.

It may start with RF, moving to left, circling up to a complete turn to R over steps 1-7; or start with LF, moving to right, circling up to a compete turn to L.

Shadow Circular Volta may be danced for one or two additional bars of music.

Timing: 1 a 2 a 3 a 4 a 5 a 6 a 8.

The last 2 steps may be replaced by Bota Fogo. (7 a 8)


    • Incline to the center of the circle. Head, looking toward the direction of the foot movement.

    • Person in the inside use smaller steps.

Preceding Figures for Shadow Circular Volta with LF

  1. Cruzados Walks and Locks

  2. Foot Change 3: Promenade or Open Promenade to Right Shadow Position

  3. Natural Basic Movement

  4. Reverse Basic Movement

  5. Samba Walk in PP: RF

  6. Shadow Circular Volta with RF

  7. Shadow Traveling Volta commenced with RF

  8. Side Basic Movement

  9. Traveling Bota Fogos Forward

Following Figures for Shadow Circular Volta with LF

  1. Foot Change 2: Right Shadow Position To Closed Position (R shadow position to closed position)

  2. Foot Change 4: Right Shadow Position to Promenade Position (R shadow Position to PP)

  3. Samba Walk in PP: RF

  4. Traveling Bota Fogos Forward (RF; or same foot Bota Fogo to R Contra Position)

  5. Shadow Traveling Volta commenced with RF

  6. Shadow Circular Volta with RF

  7. Cruzados Walks and Locks (Cruzado Walks or Locks comments with RF)

Preceding Figures for Shadow Circular Volta with RF

  1. Cruzados Walks and Locks

  2. Foot Change 1: Closed Position to Right Shadow Position

  3. Foot Change 8: Right Side Position to Right Shadow Position

  4. Maypole

  5. Natural Basic Movement

  6. Reverse Basic Movement

  7. Samba Walk in PP: LF

  8. Shadow Circular Volta with LF

  9. Shadow Traveling Volta commenced with LF

  10. Side Basic Movement

  11. Traveling Bota Fogos Forward

Following Figures for Shadow Circular Volta with RF

  1. Shadow Circular Volta with LF

  2. Samba Walk in PP: LF

  3. Traveling Bota Fogos Forward (normal; or same foot Bota Fogo to R Contra Position)

  4. Shadow Traveling Volta commenced with LF

  5. Cruzados Walks and Locks (Cruzado Walks or Locks comments with LF)