Natural Promenade Turn
Tango Natural Promenade Turn
This is a Bronze Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; steps diagram; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
S: LF to side in PP | Along LOD, pointing DW | H
Q: RF forward in PP and CBMP | DW | H | turning R | CBM
Q: LF to side and slightly back | Backing LOD | BHB | turning R
Don't pull lady to your lady, instead Man should switch lane.
Stepping back slightly side to leave room for lady to step in between, fully commit the weight so the foot doesn't slip when moving into the 4th step.
S: RF fwd in CBMP, LF placed to side without weight in PP | DW of new LOD. End facing DW | H then IE of B of LF | total of 3/4 to R | CBM
Should be strong forward step, as Man is on outside of turn, inside R knee should track the inside of Lady's R knee.
Do not take elbow behind body.
Amount of Turn: 3/4 to right.
If the Promenade Turn is danced along the side of the room 3/4 is still made. The following Promenade would be taken to the center, or a slight body turn to R may be used as the LF is place to side of RF to enable the following Promenade to be taken DC.
When the Promenade Turn is followed by the Rock Turn the 4th step of the Promenade Turn will become the 1st step of the Rock Turn, taken DW of the new LOD in CBMP and the placing of the LF to side of the RF will be omitted.
If danced along the side of the room into a Rock Turn the Rock Turn will be commenced DC and if the normal amount of turn is used, will end facing DC. It is however better to turn 1/2 to R between 1-3 of the Rock Turn and end facing DW
S: RF to side in PP | Along LOD, pointing DC | H
Hip more "up" with Man. Strong step.
Q: LF forward and across in PP and CBMP | Pointing down LOD | H
Really follow/track Man's leg in time (if it's off time, it'll gap.).
Lower into RF (previous step) to generate power, Extend L leg first, it has a moment of straight leg, before heel touches floor.
Try not to turn the right side at this step (too early).
Q: RF fwd between partner's feet | Down LOD | H | CBM
Big Step.
Return head to left. Keep head strongly to the left until last S, turning head too early tips balance and brings head into Man's space. Speed of turning head - it depends on Man's lead. It could be slow or fast.
At the end of this beat, start turning to R.
The difference from Natural Twist Turn is that Man's leg kept its position and blocks lady.
S: LF to side and slightly back. RF placed to side without weight in PP | End facing DC of new LOD. | BH then IE of B of RF | 3/4 to R
Bigger step to give Man room to step his leg. Stay behind Man.
Depending on how much Man rotates, where he puts his foot, Lady will put down foot just a bit late. Because body is turning R, LF appears to be to side and slightly back, then swivel on LF again to Promenade finishing position.
R foot is drawing a circle on floor naturally because of the turn, but don't do intentional ronde.
Lift left side up to Man during turn.
Don't turn head too early.
Track Man's hips, stay behind. Depending on intended finishing travel direction, Lady may need to swivel on LF (S) quite a bit.
When this Natural Promenade Turn is followed by steps 2-7 Rock Turn, skip step 4 (placing RF to side), it is more flat and rotational (compared to Twist Turn).
Natural Promenade Turn follows the Fallaway Promenade
This is at Silver and Gold level. See alignment below.
S: DW pointing to W
Q: To Wall
S : Down LOD end facing LOD
S: DW pointing LOD
Q: Pointing DW
S: BLOD to end facing Center