Jive Windmill
Jive Windmill is a Silver Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, movement, a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
Start in Open Position, with double hand hold.
QQ: 1,2 of Link LR | No turn
QaQ: Turn L on RF, then fwd chasse LRL. End in Closed Position. | 3/8 to L between steps 2 and 3
Turn commences at end of previous beat.
Extend L arm downwards and to L and R arm upwards and to R. Incline body slightly L. On step 5, rotate L hand slightly R from wrist.
Steps 3-5: arms are extended from the elbows, keeping elbows near to body.
QaQ: RF to side and slightly fwd to chasse RLR, to end RF fwd in Open Position with double hand hold. | 1/8 to L between steps 5 and 6
Turn commences at end of previous beat.
Return arms and body to starting position.
QQ: 1,2 of Link RL | No turn
QaQ: 3 small runs fwd, passing in front of Man's body, then turn to end RF back and slightly side in Closed Position. | 1/8 to L over steps 4 and 5, then a further 1/4 to L.
Incline body slightly R on steps 3-5.
QaQ: Backward chasse LRL. End in Open Position with double hand hold | 1/8 to L between steps 5 and 6.
Turn on step 6 starts at end of previous beat.
Return body to normal position on step 6.
Preceding Figures
Following Figures
Change of Places Left to Right (release R to L hand hold as needed)
Windmill (release R to L hand hold as needed)
Spanish Arms (release R to L hand hold as needed)
Rolling Off the Arm (with double hand hold or releaseing L to R hand hold)