Reverse Turn - Samba

Samba Reverse Turn

The Samba Reverse Turn is a Bronze Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of dance steps, including timing, and movement; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.


Start in Closed Position. Use bounce action when timing is "1a2". Start facing LOD, turn to face DC.

  • 1: LF fwd | 1/8 to L | BF

    • Incline body slightly fwd

  • a: RF to side and slightly back, w/o weight | 1/8 to L between 1&2 | I/E of T (pressure)

    • Incline body fwd and slightly L

  • 2: Take minimal weight to RF and cross LF in front of RF. Toe turned out. | 1/8 to L between 2&3 | BF

    • Incline body fwd and slightly L

    • Styling: L arm comes in and then out (a circle).

  • 1: RF back and slightly rightwards | 1/4 to L between 3&4 | BF

    • Incline body slightly back

  • a: Place L heel close to R heel, w/o weight | 1/4 to L between 4 &5. Body turns less | B (Pressure)

    • Incline body back and slightly R

  • 2: Take minimal weight to LF and close RF to LF | Body completes turn | BF

    • Incline body back and slightly R. (Arm back to usual position.)


  • 1: RF back | 1/8 to L | BF

    • Incline body: slightly back

  • a: Place L heel close to R heel, w/o weight | 1/4 to L between 1&2. Body turns less | B (pressure)

    • Incline body: back and slightly R

  • 2: Take minimal weight to LF and close RF to LF | Body completes turn | BF

    • Foot closes.

    • Incline body: back and slightly R

    • Styling: lady could push the butt out (feel like middle of body is apart from Man).

    • R arm out. (still connected with Man)

    • Head option: head can turn to R if Man leads the shaping.

  • 1: LF fwd | 1/8 to L between 3&4 | BF

    • Incline body: slightly fwd

  • a: RF to side and slightly back, w/o weight | 1/4 to L between 4&5 | I/E of T(Pressure)

    • Incline body: fwd and slightly L

  • 2: Take minimal weight to RF and cross LF in front of RF. Toe turned out. | 1/8 to L between 5&6 | BF

    • LF crosses in front.

    • Incline body: fwd and slightly L


  • May be repeated. Could use some arm shaping.

  • When following another Reverse Turn, For Man: step 1 is LOD. Turn 1/4 L between 1 and 2 to back wall, then continue as shown above. (Lady: do the normal opposite.)

  • Timing: "SQQ SQQ" can be used, the differences would be:

    • No bounce action.

    • Full weight is taken on to each step

    • Footwork: step 2: Ball, step 5 BF

Preceding Figures

  1. Back Rocks

  2. Closed Rocks

  3. Maypole

  4. Natural Basic Movement

  5. Open Rocks

  6. Plait

  7. Reverse Basic Movement

  8. Reverse Roll

  9. Reverse Turn

  10. Rolling Off The Arm

  11. Side Basic Movement

Following Figures

  1. Reverse Basic Movement

  2. Whisk To Left (Reverse Turn undertuned to face wall)

  3. Traveling Bota Fogos Forward (LF)

  4. Bota Fogos To Promenade and Counter Promenade (Reverse Turn undertuned to face wall)

  5. Reverse Turn

  6. Reverse Roll

  7. Traveling Bota Fogos Back (after step 3)

  8. Back Rocks (after step 3)

  9. Plait (after step 3)