Samba Maypole
The Samba Maypole is a Silver Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, and movement, technique; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
Maypole Man Turning Left
This figure starts in Open PP, L to R hand hold. Use Bounce action.
Man dances a Circular Volta started with LF and turned to L circling around Lady while leading her to dance a Spot Volta turning R under raised arms.
Lady will keep R arm in front of her (never behind her) while turning under the arm. L arm is first drawn in and then extend out to side.
Maypole Man Turning Right
This figure starts in Open CPP, L to R hand hold. Use Bounce action.
Man dances a Circular Volta started with RF and turned to R circling around Lady while leading her to dance a Spot Volta turning L under raised arms.
End in Closed Position, regaining normal hold.
Timing: Maypole may be danced over two, three or four bars of music.
1 a 2 a 3 a 4: Spot Volta turning 1/4, then 3/4; 1/4 then 3/4
1 a 2 a 3 a 4 a 5 a 6
1 a 2 a 3 a 4 5 a 6 a 7 a 8
With changing directions: 1 a 2 a 3 a 4 5 a 6 a 7 a 8.
Preceding Figures
Following Figures
Reverse Turn (Man turning R in Maypole)
Whisk To Left (Man turning R in Maypole)
Cruzados Walks and Locks (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)
Samba Locks (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)
Promenade And Counter Promenade Runs (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)
Natural Roll (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)
Round About (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)
Contra Bota Fogos (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)
Shadow Circular Volta with RF (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)
Maypole (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)
Plait (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)
Back Rocks (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)
Open Rocks (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)
Closed Rocks (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)
Corta Jaca (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)
Shadow Traveling Volta commenced with RF (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)
Solo Spot Volta to Right (Lady to Left) (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)
Criss Cross Voltas (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)
Traveling Bota Fogos Back (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)
Traveling Bota Fogos Forward (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)
Traveling Volta to Left (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)
Rhythm Bounce (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)
Samba Walk: Stationary (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)
Samba Walk: Side (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)
Samba Walk in PP: RF (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)
Whisk To Right (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)
Natural Basic Movement (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)
Side Basic Movement (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)
Progressive Basic Movement (when Man is turning left in Maypole; or when Man is turning right in Maypole)