4 Count Turn
Basic 4 Count Turn
&1: open facing position, double hand hold.
2: turning to L to wind up to prepare to turn R, hand curled/cupped with Man's hand, first both hands to L to wind up.
L hip really rotates to L and shoulder tuck in to L to wind up.
&: syncopated, end of previous 2, start turning R, &: becomes LF back step, continue turning to R
arms opening, hands pressuring outward. fingers together, no fishy hands.
LH/L arm does face loop (do this on the & count, not too early.), When Man leads Lady's L arm up, Lady releases fingers, hand goes under Man's hand during the turn.
3: RF fwd, turning
4: LF back
&1: ending winding up to R position,
Really open out (L arm should be more extended), look outward to audience (not toward the guy), ready to do L spin turn.
At this time, Man does his turn and ends Man and Lady are almost back to back
23&1: Lady does L spin turn keeping L arm connected with Man, same footwork, but L arm ends wrapped around waist with Man's hand.
23&1: simple 1/2 R turn to return to basic open position
During the turn, Lady's RH connects with Man's LH and Man releases Lady's LH.
Other options after a 4 count turn:
Lady's Prance (Lady Only)
&1 2&34&: 4 count turn
In this ending, Lady does not turn as much, only about 90 to Man.
5 6 7 &8:
567: Lady's knee lift prance with LF/RF/LF, hinge on one leg, cross the other foot to prance. Do not disturb the arm connection with Man.
8&1: RF kick ball change
23&1: RF fwd (Lady decides when, lifting Man's arm and under his arm to finish), turning to R, LF back, RF/LF ball change.
Side by side (Both)
&1 2&34&: 4 count turn
visually, Lady will see Man walking in, (so it's different from Clock), Man and Lady are parallet
5 6 7 &8:(both prance side by side)
Lady's L arm connected with Man. When prancing, do not push and pull the arm. Leave arm unaffected.
567 8: Lady's knee lift prance with LF/RF/LF.RF
2&3: cha-cha-cha
4&1: RF kick-ball-change (can repeat)
23&1: Finish: RF fwd, turning to R, LF back, RF/LF ball change.
&1 2&34&: 4 count turn
The difference from others is that by "3", Man is overturning the lady.
1&23: LF Kick, LF back/slightly side, RF cross, LF step to side
&1&23: (repeat)
&: RF step slightly back on &; 1: LF kick; &: LF back; 2: RF cross in front of LF; 3: LF step to side