Basic Movements

The Samba Basic Movements is Newcomer Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, and movement, technique; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.

Samba Natural Basic Movement

Alignment is according to previous figures.


  • 1: RF fwd | No turn or up to 1/4 to R over 1-6 | BF

    • See Samba Technique for detailed description of bounce action and foot movement rhythm.

    • Trailing LF: IE, roll ankle down.

  • a: Close LF to RF w/o weight | B (pressure)

  • 2: take minimal weight to LF and replace weight to RF | BF

  • 1: LF back | BF

    • front leg looks straight at this moment.

  • a: Close RF to LF w/o weight | B (pressure)

  • 2: Take minimal weight to RF and replace weight to LF | BF


Alignment is according to previous figures.

  • 1: LF back | No turn or up to 1/4 to R over 1-6 | BF

    • See Samba Technique for detailed description of bounce action and foot movement rhythm.

  • a: Close RF to LF w/o weight | B (pressure)

    • No weight on RF. Weight should still on LF.

  • 2: Take minimal weight to RF and replace weight to LF | BF

  • 1: RF fwd | BF

    • Bound action

    • Trailing LF: IE, roll ankle down.

  • a: Close LF to RF w/o weight | B (pressure)

    • "Pressure" step.

  • 2: Take minimal weight to LF and replace weight to RF | BF

    • When used as a Precede to Traveling Bota Fogos Forward, start Natural Basic Movement facing LOD and turn 1/8 L over 2 and 3. 4-6 are then danced with follower outside.

    • When used as a Follow to Traveling Bota Fogos Forward, the first step is outside partner. Turn 1/8 R over 2 and 3 to face partner.

    • Precedes: any figure ending facing partner with weight on LF.

    • Follows: any figure commenced with RF.


Use minimal bounce and use 4 steps as below. follower does opposite. (Similar for Reverse Basic, Side Basic and Progressive Basic.)

  • 1: RF fwd | BF

  • 2: Close LF to RF with pressure , but without weight | BF

    • Keeping weight on RF

    • (Difference: instead of taking minimal weight onto LF and replace weight back to RF)

  • 1: LF back | BF

  • 2: Closed RF to LF with pressure but without weight | BF

    • Keeping weight on LF

Preceding Figures

  1. Back Rocks

  2. Closed Rocks

  3. Corta Jaca

  4. Maypole

  5. Natural Basic Movement

  6. Natural Roll

  7. Plait

  8. Progressive Basic Movement

  9. Reverse Basic Movement

  10. Samba Walk: Stationary

  11. Side Basic Movement

  12. Traveling Bota Fogos Forward

  13. Whisk To Left

  14. Whisk To Right

Following Figures

  1. Cruzados Walks and Locks

  2. Samba Locks

  3. Promenade And Counter Promenade Runs

  4. Natural Roll

  5. Round About (normal; or after 1-3 of Natural Basic)

  6. Contra Bota Fogos

  7. Shadow Circular Volta with RF

  8. Maypole (normal; or after 1-3 of Natural Basic)

  9. Plait

  10. Back Rocks

  11. Open Rocks

  12. Closed Rocks

  13. Corta Jaca

  14. Shadow Traveling Volta commenced with RF

  15. Solo Spot Volta to Right (Lady to Left)

  16. Criss Cross Voltas

  17. Traveling Bota Fogos Back

  18. Traveling Bota Fogos Forward

  19. Traveling Volta to Left

  20. Rhythm Bounce (normal; or after 1-3 of Natural Basic)

  21. Samba Walk: Stationary

  22. Samba Walk: Side

  23. Samba Walk in PP: RF

  24. Whisk To Right

  25. Natural Basic Movement

  26. Side Basic Movement (normal; or after 1-3 of Natural Basic)

  27. Progressive Basic Movement

  28. Three Step Turn (after 1-3 of Natural Basic)

  29. Reverse Roll (after 1-3 of Natural Basic)

  30. Shadow Circular Volta with LF (after 1-3 of Natural Basic)

  31. Argentine Crosses (after 1-3 of Natural Basic)

  32. Rolling Off The Arm (after 1-3 of Natural Basic)

  33. Reverse Turn (after 1-3 of Natural Basic)

  34. Shadow Traveling Volta commenced with LF (after 1-3 of Natural Basic)

  35. Solo Spot Volta to Left (Lady to Right) (after 1-3 of Natural Basic)

  36. Bota Fogos To Promenade and Counter Promenade (after 1-3 of Natural Basic)

  37. Criss Cross Bota Fogos (Shadow Bota Fogos) (after 1-3 of Natural Basic)

  38. Traveling Volta to Right (after 1-3 of Natural Basic)

  39. Samba Walk in PP: LF (after 1-3 of Natural Basic)

  40. Whisk To Left (after 1-3 of Natural Basic)

  41. Reverse Basic Movement (after 1-3 of Natural Basic)

Samba Reverse Basic Movement

  • Same as Natural basic, except that Leader stepping forward with LF first, Follower stepping RF back first. No turn or up to 1/4 turn to L.

  • Alignment: per previous figures.

Preceding Figures

  1. Back Rocks

  2. Closed Rocks

  3. Criss Cross Voltas

  4. Natural Basic Movement

  5. Plait

  6. Reverse Basic Movement

  7. Reverse Roll

  8. Reverse Turn

  9. Samba Walk: Stationary

  10. Side Basic Movement

  11. Whisk To Left

  12. Whisk To Right

Following Figures

  1. Three Step Turn

  2. Reverse Roll

  3. Round About (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  4. Shadow Circular Volta with LF

  5. Maypole (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  6. Argentine Crosses

  7. Rolling Off The Arm

  8. Reverse Turn

  9. Shadow Traveling Volta commenced with LF

  10. Solo Spot Volta to Left (Lady to Right)

  11. Bota Fogos To Promenade and Counter Promenade

  12. Criss Cross Bota Fogos (Shadow Bota Fogos)

  13. Traveling Volta to Right

  14. Rhythm Bounce (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  15. Samba Walk in PP: LF

  16. Whisk To Left

  17. Reverse Basic Movement

  18. Side Basic Movement (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  19. Cruzados Walks and Locks (after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  20. Samba Locks (after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  21. Promenade And Counter Promenade Runs (after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  22. Natural Roll (after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  23. Contra Bota Fogos (after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  24. Shadow Circular Volta with RF (after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  25. Plait (after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  26. Back Rocks (after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  27. Open Rocks (after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  28. Closed Rocks (after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  29. Corta Jaca (after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  30. Shadow Traveling Volta commenced with RF (after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  31. Solo Spot Volta to Right (Lady to Left) (after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  32. Criss Cross Voltas (after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  33. Traveling Bota Fogos Back (after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  34. Traveling Bota Fogos Forward (after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  35. Traveling Volta to Left (after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  36. Samba Walk: Stationary (after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  37. Samba Walk: Side (after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  38. Samba Walk in PP: RF (after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  39. Whisk To Right (after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  40. Natural Basic Movement (after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  41. Progressive Basic Movement (after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

Samba Side Basic Movement

  • This may be danced in place of the Natural or Reverse Basic taking the first step to side. All others are the same.

  • When taking side step to R side, frame to right, R knee bent, but leaving L hip to L side till the next "and", really stretch the body long without tilting shoulder; roll the hip to R (clock-wise). 2 rounds ending stepping to L.

  • When stepping to side, the free foot position is important: roll the foot down, IE of foot touch floor, not ball of foot.

  • Similarly, when taking step to L side, leave R hip to right till the next "and", roll the hip to L (counter clock-wise).

Preceding Figures

  1. Maypole

  2. Natural Basic Movement

  3. Natural Roll

  4. Reverse Basic Movement

  5. Side Basic Movement

Following Figures

  1. Cruzados Walks and Locks (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  2. Samba Locks (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  3. Promenade And Counter Promenade Runs (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  4. Natural Roll (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  5. Round About (normal; or after 1-3 of Natural Basic; or normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  6. Contra Bota Fogos (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  7. Shadow Circular Volta with RF (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  8. Maypole (normal; or after 1-3 of Natural Basic; or normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  9. Plait (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  10. Back Rocks (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  11. Open Rocks (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  12. Closed Rocks (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  13. Corta Jaca (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  14. Shadow Traveling Volta commenced with RF (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  15. Solo Spot Volta to Right (Lady to Left) (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  16. Criss Cross Voltas (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  17. Traveling Bota Fogos Back (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  18. Traveling Bota Fogos Forward (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  19. Traveling Volta to Left (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  20. Rhythm Bounce (normal; or after 1-3 of Natural Basic; or normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  21. Samba Walk: Stationary (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  22. Samba Walk: Side (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  23. Samba Walk in PP: RF (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  24. Whisk To Right (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  25. Natural Basic Movement (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  26. Side Basic Movement (normal; or after 1-3 of Natural Basic; or normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  27. Progressive Basic Movement (normal; or after 1-3 of Reverse Basic)

  28. Three Step Turn (after 1-3 of Natural Basic; or normal)

  29. Reverse Roll (after 1-3 of Natural Basic; or normal)

  30. Shadow Circular Volta with LF (after 1-3 of Natural Basic; or normal)

  31. Argentine Crosses (after 1-3 of Natural Basic; or normal)

  32. Rolling Off The Arm (after 1-3 of Natural Basic; or normal)

  33. Reverse Turn (after 1-3 of Natural Basic; or normal)

  34. Shadow Traveling Volta commenced with LF (after 1-3 of Natural Basic; or normal)

  35. Solo Spot Volta to Left (Lady to Right) (after 1-3 of Natural Basic; or normal)

  36. Bota Fogos To Promenade and Counter Promenade (after 1-3 of Natural Basic; or normal)

  37. Criss Cross Bota Fogos (Shadow Bota Fogos) (after 1-3 of Natural Basic; or normal)

  38. Traveling Volta to Right (after 1-3 of Natural Basic; or normal)

  39. Samba Walk in PP: LF (after 1-3 of Natural Basic; or normal)

  40. Whisk To Left (after 1-3 of Natural Basic; or normal)

  41. Reverse Basic Movement (after 1-3 of Natural Basic; or normal)

Samba Progressive Basic Movement

  • Leader: 1-3 step of natural basic (RF fwd), followed by 4-6 of side basic to L.

  • Follower: 1-3 step of natural basic (LF back), followed by 4-6 of side basic to R (During side basic, optionally, Follower can turn her head to left, toward LF.)

  • Alignment: DW, no turn.

Preceding Figures

  1. Maypole

  2. Natural Basic Movement

  3. Natural Roll

  4. Progressive Basic Movement

  5. Reverse Basic Movement

  6. Side Basic Movement

Following Figures

  1. Natural Basic Movement

  2. Progressive Basic Movement

  3. Corta Jaca

  4. Natural Roll