Progressive Side Step Reverse Turn
Tango Progressive Side Step Reverse Turn
This is a Bronze Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; steps diagram; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
Q: LF fwd in CBMP | DC | H | CBM
Strong compression, rotation.
Quite a bit of turn on the progressive side step. Dancing "U" turn.
Keep head weight to left.
Q: RF to side and slightly back | FDC against LOD | IE of foot | 1/4 to L |
S: LF fwd in CBMP | Almost against LOD | H | 1/8 to L | CBM
S: RF fwd R side leading | Against LOD | H
There could be shaping here to look at layd (but be very careful not to get in her space).
Stay flexed in R knee. Stretch.
Q: Transfer weight back to LF, L side leading | BLOD | IE of BH |
Q: Transfer weight fwd to RF, R side leading | BLOD | H |
S: LF back small step L side leading | Down LOD | IE of BH |
Head back to left (if shaping is done in step 4).
Q: RF back in CBMP | DC | BH | 1/8 to L | CBM
Q: LF to side and slightly fwd | Pointing DW | IE of foot | 1/4 to L
S: RF closes to LF slightly back | Facing DW | Whole Foot
Total amount of Turn: 3/4 to L
Note: After steps 1-4, the following endings may be used
Back Corté SQQS
Rock on LF, Rock on RF, Back Corté QQS, QQS, SQQS
Q: RF back in CBMP | BDC | BH | CBM
For left turning figures, do not allow L shoulder to go beyond the hips, (e.g. L side should be positive). The feeling is body is slightly turned right of the feet.
The turn doesn't go through shoulders, it goes through hips. The work for this figure is in the base area, not shoulder.
Allow hip flexors to take you back.
Q: LF to side and slightly fwd |BDC against LOD | IE of foot| 1/4 to L
S: RF back in CBMP | Almost backing against LOD | BH | 1/8 to L | CBM
S: LF back L side leading | Backing against LOD | IE of BH
Q: Transfer weight fwd to RF R side leading | Down LOD | H |
The rocking motion is between the feet, not the hips. Keep center still and not allow the middle to go fwd/back independently from legs.
Q: Transfer weight back to LF L side leading | LOD | IE of BH
S: RF fwd small step R side leading | Down LOD | H
Corte action: stay left, connected with Man. (Optional shaping to R, still need to stay to left, Man's R side.)
Be solid on RF.
Q: LF fwd in CBMP | DC | H | 1/8 to L | CBM
Really drive using the RF and R leg.
Q: RF to side and slightly back | Backing DW | IE of BH | 1/4 to L
S: LF closes to RF slightly fwd | Backing DW | Whole foot
Total amount of Turn: 3/4 to L
Lady: Keep head strongly left throughout, keeps shoulders parallel, not rotating through shoulders. Keep everything in the base.
The movement of this step is a bit more smooth (not as staccato as Closed Promenade, for example.)
Preceding Figures
Following Figures
Walk (LF)
Closed Promenade (at end of last step of preceding figure, using Open Finish, keep feet in place and turn Lady to PP, count &)
Open Promenade (at end of last step of preceding figure, using Open Finish, keep feet in place and turn Lady to PP, count &)
Natural Promenade Turn (at end of last step of preceding figure, using Open Finish, keep feet in place and turn Lady to PP, count &)
Promenade Link (at end of last step of preceding figure, using Open Finish, keep feet in place and turn Lady to PP, count &)
Back Open Promenade (at end of last step of preceding figure, using Open Finish, keep feet in place and turn Lady to PP, count &)
Fallaway Promenade (at end of last step of preceding figure, using Open Finish, keep feet in place and turn Lady to PP, count &)