Criss Cross Voltas
Samba Criss Cross Voltas
The Samba Criss Cross Volta is a Bronze Level figure. This online reference gives a detailed description of the dance steps, including timing, footwork, alignment, and movement; steps diagram; a list of figures that may precede or follow the pattern; and videos providing instruction and demonstration of the figure, techniques and practice routines that include it.
Start in Open Promenade Position. Use bounce action. L to R hand hold.
1a2a3a4: Dance 2 bars of Traveling Voltas to R, curving to L behind lady's back. End in Open CPP LRLRLRL | 1/4 to L over 1-7 | Footwork as Volta
Raise L arm and gradually move it to L to lead lady to pass in front and to L side. Lower arm slightly over 4-7.
1a2a3a4: Dance 2 bars of Traveling Voltas to L, curving to R behind lady's back, to end facing her in Closed Position, RLRLRLR | 3/8 to R over 8-14
Raise L arm tand gradually move it to R to lead Lady to pass in front. Lower arm slightly over 8-14 to return to normal position.
Ending Position:
Closed Position: shown in chart above.
Open PP: 1/4 turn over 8-14.
Open CPP: having danced 1-7 of Criss Cross Voltas
R Side Position: having turned 1/8 R, lady 1/8 L, over 8-14, and take double hand hold as for Rolling off the Arm.
1a2a3a4: Dance 2 bars of Traveling Voltas to L, curving to R passing in front of Man. End in Open CPP, RLRLRLR | 1/4 to R over 1-7 | Footwork as Volta
Do Criss Cross at the end of step 7 'a4':
'&': Lady: straighten both legs, commence to turn R
'a': Lady: turn 1/4 R
'1' (step 8): Lady: cross RF in front of LF with weight.
1a2a3a4: Dance 2 bars of Traveling Voltas to R, curving to L passing in front of Man to end facing him in Closed Position. LRLRLRL | 3/8 to L over 8-14
Alternatives: amount of turn is unchanged.
step 6 & 7 may be danced as 2 & 3 of a Bota Fogo (Man turning L and lady R).
step 13 & 14 may be danced as 2 & 3 of a Bota Fogo (Man turning R and Lady L)
Preceding Figures
Following Figures
Criss Cross Bota Fogos (Shadow Bota Fogos) (when ending in Open PP; or 4-6, when ending in Open CPP)
Maypole (Man turning L, when ending in Open PP; or Man turning R, when ending in Open CPP)
Foot Change 3: Promenade or Open Promenade to Right Shadow Position (when ending in Open PP)
Samba Locks (when ending in Open CPP)
Samba Walk in PP: LF (2 Samba Walks in RSP commenced with LF, Lady RF, then Rolling off the Arm, when ending in R Side Position)
Rolling Off The Arm (when ending in R Side Position with Double Hand Hold)